• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanism of blast disaster induced by instantaneous malignant expansion of plastic zone

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Hong-tao1 ,HAO Zhen1,2 ,WU Xiang-ye1 ,ZHAO Xi-dong1 ,GUO Lin-feng1 ,MA Zhi-yong3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Faculty of Resources & Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. No. 2 Coal Mine of Zha-ogu,Jiaozuo Coal Industry Co. ,Ltd. ,Henan Energy & Chemical Industry Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Huixian  453633,China; 3. Gengcun Coal Mine,Yima Coal In-dustry Co. ,Ltd. ,Henan Energy & Chemical Industry Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Yima  472300,China
  • 摘要
    为探究煤矿冲击灾害的发生机理,以耿村煤矿"12·22"冲击地压事故为背景,采用数值模拟方法分析了工作面回采对13230工作面运输巷围岩区域应力场的影响,得出了沿巷道轴向的主应力曲线。在受到回采工作面割煤、放煤、初次来压或周期来压、前方或侧向移动支承压力等外界扰动的作用后,回采巷道围岩塑性区最大尺寸扩张了2.2~3.4倍,由此揭示了耿村煤矿"12·22"冲击灾害的发生机理:在该地质环境下,受到外界扰动等触发事件的诱导作用后,13230工作面运输巷围岩区域应力场发生突然改变,引发煤岩体内的弹性能以震动、声响和煤岩体抛出等形式进行释放,出现爆炸式的动力破坏,并造成距离工作面150 m范围内的巷道破坏严重。
  • Abstract
    In order to further investigate the occurrence mechanism of blast disaster in coal mine, the influence of working face extraction on the regional stress field of surrounding rock at the haulage gateway of 13230 working face is analyzed by way of numerical simulation based on “12 ·22” rock burst accident of Gengcun Coal Mine,and the curves of principal stress are obtained along the axial direction of mining roadway. Due to the induction of external dis- turbances such as coal cutting,caving,first or periodic weighting of working face,front or side abutment pressure and so on,the biggest size of plastic zone is expanded by 2. 2-3. 4 times. Therefore,the occurrence mechanism of “12· 22” blast disaster in Gengcun Coal Mine is revealed. In the geological environment,because of the induction of trigge- ring event like external disturbances,the regional stress field of surrounding rock at the haulage gateway of 13230 working face will be suddenly changed,and a huge amount of elastic energy which is gathered in the body of coal will be suddenly released in the form of vibration,sound and coal or rock mass burst which stands for an explosive power and seriously destroys the 150 m mining roadway from the working face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    plastic zone;mining roadway;rock burst;malignant expansion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Liu Hongtao,Hao Zhen,Wu Xiangye,et al. Mechanism of blast disaster induced by instantaneous malignant expansion of plastic zone[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(6):1392-1399.
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