Temporal-spatial evolutionary law of plastic zone and stability control in repetitive mining roadway
WU Xiangye,LIU Hongtao,LI Jianwei,GUO Xiaofei,LÜ Kun,WANG Jingya
内蒙古科技大学 矿业研究院中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 安全分院
针对双巷布置工作面留巷受重复采动影响围岩变形破坏严重、支护难度大、存在冒顶隐患等问题,以布尔台矿22205回风巷道为工程背景,采用理论分析、数值模拟及现场实测方法,分析了重复采动巷道围岩塑性区及应力时空演化规律,获得巷道围岩从掘进稳定到废弃的整个动态破坏过程,以及不同位置围岩破坏状态的静态空间展现,阐明重复采动巷道塑性区变化的动-静组合机制。研究结果表明:① 采动过程中塑性区扩展时间阶段与空间区域存在对应关系并根据现场实测得到空间区域具体范围,是分析巷道变形机理及提出分次支护方案的重要基础。② 获得塑性区非对称扩展机理:其范围由偏应力大小决定,方位则由主应力方向主导,偏应力大小及角度共同作用造成塑性区非对称扩展,进而产生非对称变形,并以此揭示了重复采动巷道塑性区随时空扩展力学机制。③ 根据塑性区扩展形态,得出一次采动过程中塑性区深度及范围扩展显著且顶、底板明显大于两帮;2次采动过程中塑性区深度变化较小,而范围明显增加,主要发生在煤壁帮顶角位置及煤柱帮底角位置。④ 基于重复采动过程中塑性区扩展时空关系,提出分次补强支护方法,解决重复采动巷道围岩稳定控制;根据塑性区扩展形态及现场实测明确具体补强时间、地点及参数,并进行顶板补强支护,节省工期同时保障了回采期间安全生产。
In view of the serious deformation and destruction of surrounding rock,the difficulty of support and the hid- den roof fall hazard affected by repetitive mining in the retained roadway,the temporal-spatial evolution laws of stress and surrounding rock plastic zone were studied in the 22205 air return roadway in Buertai Colliery by the comprehen- sive analysis methods including theoretical analysis,numerical simulation and field test. The whole dynamic failure process of roadway surrounding rock from excavation stability to abandonment and the static spatial expression of rounding rock failure state at different positions are obtained. The dynamic-static combination mechanism of plastic zone variation in repeated mining roadway is expounded. The results show that ① there is a corresponding relationship between the time and the spatial zone of the plastic zone expansion in the mining process and the specific range of the spatial zone is obtained according to the field measurement,which are important foundations in analyzing the mecha- nism of roadway deformation and putting forward the support plan in different stages. ② The asymmetric expansion mechanism of the plastic zone is obtained. Its range is determined by the magnitude of deviatoric stress,and its orienta- tion is dominated by the direction of principal stress. The combined action of the magnitude of deviatoric stress and an- gle causes the asymmetric expansion of plastic zone,and then generates asymmetric deformation,so the mechanical mechanism of temporal-spatial expansion in the plastic zone of repetitive mining roadway is revealed. ③ According to the expansion form of plastic zone,the depth and range of plastic zone expand significantly in the primary mining process,and the roof and floor are obviously larger than the two sides. In the process of secondary mining,the plastic zone depth changes little but the range increases obviously,which mainly occurs at the top angle of coal wall and the bottom angle of coal pillar. ④ Based on the temporal-spatial relationship of plastic zone expansion during repeated mining,a method of fractional reinforcement support is proposed to solve the stability control of surrounding rock in re- peated mining roadway. According to the expansion form of plastic zone and field test,it should clearly determine the reinforcing time,position and parameters,and provide a reinforcing roof bolting to save work time and guarantee the mining safety in production.
mining impact,retained roadway,plastic zone,deviatoric stress,surrounding rock control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会