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  • Title

    Dynamic changes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from coal gangue

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Li1,2 ,TIAN Yunfei1 ,WANG Shidong3 ,SUN Yanfang1 ,YANG Zhao1 ,LUO Shaohe1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Department of Resource & Environmental Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 2. Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal-bed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 3. CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute,Xi’an  710054,China
  • 摘要
    以神华神东煤炭集团公司补连塔煤矿采空区取得的煤矸石作为研究对象,通过淋滤实验,探索室温条件下煤矸石中溶解性有机质的溶出动力学规律。研究结果表明:煤矸石淋出液的p H值从最大值8.74下降到7.64,电导率(EC)和溶解性总固体(TDS)均经过了快速下降、慢速下降至稳定的3个阶段,并且硝酸盐和氨氮的含量很低。淋出液中溶解性有机碳(DOC)、UV254经过了快速增大、减小至稳定的3个阶段,且DOC和UV254具有一定的线性相关关系,这说明煤矸石水溶性DOM中含有一定的苯环类芳香族化合物。DOM样品中主要有3类荧光峰,即类芳香族蛋白峰、溶解性微生物代谢产物峰和海洋腐殖酸峰,其中,93.3%的样品中出现有类芳香族蛋白荧光峰。样品的荧光指数FI值从1.85逐渐上升到最大值2.77,SUVA254最大值为0.7 L/(m·mg),生物源指数BIX在0.78~1.23间波动,均可证实煤矸石中DOM主要是以微生物源(内源)有机质为主,且与生物或细菌活动密切相关。
  • Abstract
    The filled coal gangue from the gob area of Qilanta Coal Mine,Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited was selected to do leaching experiments to explore the dynamic changes of DOM at room temperature. The re- sults show that the pH value of effluent samples from the gangue column decrease from 8. 74 to 7. 64. The variations of electronic conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids (TDS) of effluent samples,which contains low levels of nitrate and ammonia nitrogen,experience three phases,namely rapidly falling,slowly falling and tending to be stable. Initially the values of DOC and UV254 in the effluent samples increase rapidly,then decrease sharply and remain stable at last. Moreover,there is a good linear correlation relationship between DOC and UV254(R2 = 0. 62),which indicates that the DOM in the studied coal gangue contains some benzene ring aromatic compounds. There are three types of fluorescence peaks in the DOM samples,that is,aromatic protein peaks,dissolved microbial metabolite peaks and marine humic acid peaks. And 93. 3% of the samples show the fluorescence peaks of aromatic protein. The increasing fluorescence index ( FI) from 1. 85 to 2. 77, the fluctuating biogenic index ( BIX) between 0. 78 - 1. 23, and the values of SUVA254≤0. 7 L / (m·mg) for the samples confirm that the DOM of the gangue is mainly derived from microbial source (endogenous) organic matter,which is closely correlated with biological or bacterial activity.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gangue;dissolved organic matter ( DOM);leaching experiments;three-dimensional excitation emis- sion matrix (3D-EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy;the fluorescence index (FI)

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHAO Li,TIAN Yunfei,WANG Shidong,et al. Dynamic changes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from coal gangue[J]. Journal of Chi- na Coal Society,2017,42(9):2455-2461.
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