• 全部
  • Title

    Stability analysis of support around the longwall top-coal caving mining in steeply thick coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Jiachen1,2 ,WEI Weijie1,2 ,ZHANG Jinwang1,2 ,XIE Fei1,2

  • Organization
    1. School of Resource and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology( Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. Coal Industry Engineering Research Center of Top-coal Caving Mining,Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要
    针对急倾斜厚煤层走向长壁综放开采中支架参数设计问题,根据工作面支架与围岩关系特点,分析了支架侧护板抗挤压能力的重要性;结合“下行动态分段、段内上行放煤”的采放工艺,通过支架受力分析建立了平衡方程,分别计算出了段内支架侧护板抗倾倒和抗下滑受力大小;以大远煤业1201急倾斜工作面为背景建立PFC2D计算模型,得出了保持支架稳定的侧护板抗挤压能力为763 k N,验证了现场所用ZFY4800/17/28型综放支架的可靠性;对影响支架稳定性的各因素进行了分析,提出了在急倾斜走向长壁综放开采工作面应采用大宽高比、低重心、低重量综放支架,应合理控制采高、工作面倾角以及增大支架与顶底板间摩擦等措施,以减小支架发生倾倒下滑的可能性,确保支架侧护板可以发挥良好的导向、调架功能。
  • Abstract
    Aimed at the problems of support parameter around the longwall top-coal caving mining in steeply thick coal seam,it determines the importance of the side plate’ s anti-extrusion capacity based on analyzing the relationship of support and surrounding rock in the working face. The force of resisting dumping and glide on the side plate of sup- ports is calculated by combining the method of drawing downward segment by segment while drawing upward in each segment with supports’ mechanical equilibrium equation. The side plate’s anti-extrusion capacity eventually presents 763 kN which is obtained from distinct element numerical calculations established in PFC2D based on the extremely in- clined panel No. 1201 in Dayuan Coal Mine,then the function of support is proved credible in fully mechanized caving face equipped with ZFY4800 / 17 / 28. Analyzing influences of support stability,the measures,such as equipping support with large aspect ratio,low center of gravity and low weight,matching general mining height,adjusting face inclination and increasing frictions among support,roof and floor,are put forward to decrease the unfavorable factors for supports and ensure fine guide and adjust function.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    steeply thick coal seam;longwall top-coal caving mining;the side plate’s anti-extrusion capacity;support stability

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Jiachen,WEI Weijie,ZHANG Jinwang,et al. Stability analysis of support around the longwall top-coal caving mining in steeply thick coal seam[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(11):2783-2791.
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