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  • Title

    Influence of coal mining on phreatic aquifer and its environmentaleffects in Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Area

  • 作者


  • Author

    PENG Jie,LI Cheng,XIANG Maoxi,LI Yonghong,WU Boyun,GAO Shuai,SUN Kui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Shaanxi Institute of Geo-Environment Monitoring Station, Xi’an 710054,China;2.Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Hazards Mechanism and Control,Xi’an ,China
  • 摘要

    为研究榆神府区煤层开采对潜水含水层的影响,促进矿区水资源保护,通过资料收集和实地调查2种方法,对榆神府区地表水体及地下含水层现状进行分析。结果表明:高强度开采是区内潜水资源量减少的主要驱动因素,截至2015年初,榆神府区煤矿开采形成的采空区面积为4.73×10~4 hm~2,地面塌陷面积约1.34×10~4 hm~2,采空区地表变形增大包气带水分的蒸发,减少对含水层的补给,同时增加垂向径流,使之形成了天然-人工叠加作用地下水流场,最终的环境效应表现为:湖泊面积减少近50%,部分地表水系干涸,泉水数量由采煤前的2 500余处减少到300余处,数量衰减率达到84%,流量衰减率在70%以上,喜水植被向旱生植被演化,生态环境趋向脆弱等。

  • Abstract
    In order to study the influence of coal mining on the aquifer in Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Area and protect groundwater resources,analyzed the present situation of aquifer in Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Area through data collection and field investigation.The results showed that high-intensity mining was the main driving factor for the decrease of lake area,the dry surface water and the decline of groundwater level.By the beginning of 2015,the area of goaf was 4.73×104 hm2 and the area of ground subsidence was about 1.34×104 hm2 in Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Area.The goaf area increased the thickness of the gas zone and the evaporation of water,reduced the supply of aquifers,and increased the vertical runoff to form a natural-artificial superposition of groundwater flow.The environmental effected performance that lake area reduction was nearly 50%,part of the surface water dried up,the amount of spring decay rate was 84%,spring water flow decay rate was 70%,the evolution of hydrophilous vegetation to xerophyte the ecological environment tended to be fragile.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Yulin-Shenmu-Fugu Mining Area;water-preserved mining; phreatic aquifer; recharge-runoff-discharge of groundwater; environmental effect

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