• 全部
  • Title

    Coal safe and efficient mining theory,technology and equipment innovation practice

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Guofa1,2 ,PANG Yihui1 ,REN Huaiwei1,2 ,MA Ying1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Coal Mining Branch,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China; 2. Coal Ming and Designing Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Co. , Ltd. ,Beijing  100013,China
  • 摘要

    2030年之前我国以煤为主的能源格局难以改变,煤炭资源安全高效开采仍然面临一系列技术挑战。基于不同层位围岩破断的应力路径效应研究成果,研究了液压支架与围岩的强度、刚度、稳定性耦合作用原理,提出了液压支架适应围岩失稳的“三耦合”动态优化设计方法;针对厚煤层超大采高综采,建立了顶板岩层断裂失稳的“悬臂梁+砌体梁”力学模型,分析了“悬臂梁”破坏失稳的空间条件与力学条件。通过数值模拟方法分析了煤壁破坏的主要影响因素,得出了各影响因素对煤壁破坏的敏感度排序。研发了增容缓冲抗冲击立柱、液压支架群组协同控制系统及“大梯度+小台阶”配套方式,实现了金鸡滩煤矿8.0 m超大采高工作面安全高效开采;针对特厚煤层大采高放顶煤开采,研发了三级强扰动高效放煤机构与尾梁冲击破碎装置;针对薄煤层研发了调高范围为0.5~1.4 m的超大伸缩比液压支架,在黄陵一号煤矿实现了常态化远程监控、工作面无人操作的智能化开采。对未来需要突破的安全高效开采关键技术进行了展望,提出了稳定割煤与连续推进、高可靠性设计、综采设备机器人化及透明开采4个技术方向。

  • Abstract

    In view of the complex and diverse conditions of coal seam in China,the safe and efficient mining technical challenge is analyzed. Based on the stress path effect of different surrounding rock,the six controllable parameters of hydraulic support for surrounding rock stability were found,and the strength,stiffness and stability coupling principle between hydraulic support and surrounding rock were studied. The hydraulic support optimization design method based on “three coupling” principle and the “ top-down” whole optimization method were put forward. For the problems of fully mechanized mining face with super cutting height in thick coal seam,the “cantilever beam+voussoir beam” me- chanical model for roof strata fracture structure was established,and the space condition and mechanical condition for “cantilever beam” were analyzed. The main influence factors for rib failure were analyzed based on numerical simula- tion method,which obtained the sensitivity sort. The anti-impact resistance columns,hydraulic support group coopera- tive control system and “large gradient+small stairs” matching manner were studied,which achieved a safe and effective mining in Jinjitan Coal Mine with 8 m super cutting height in thick coal seam. For the problem of top coal caving property in full-mechanized caving mining face with large mining height,the efficient top coal caving mechanism with three-grade strong disturb function and tail boom impact crushing mechanism were researched. For the problem of nar- row space and difficult to achieve automatic mining,the hydraulic support with super big expansion ratio range of 0. 5-1. 4 m was developed,the normalized remote monitoring and intelligent mining with nobody operating was a- chieved in Huangling Coal Mine. The key techniques of safety and high efficiency extraction were propose,including steady coal cutting and continuous propulsion,high reliability design,extraction equipment robotization and transparent mining.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    super high coal seam;largh mining height;thin coal seam;hydraulic support;surrounding rock stability; intelligentized extraction

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Guofa,PANG Yihui,REN Huaiwei,et al. Coal safe and efficient mining theory,technology and equipment innovation practice[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(4):903-913.
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