Theories and technologies for in-situ fluidized mining of deep underground coal resources
XIE Heiping1 ,JU Yang2,3 ,GAO Mingzhong4,5 ,GAO Feng3 ,LIU Jianzhong6 ,REN Huaiwei7 ,GE Shirong3
深圳大学深地科学与绿色能源研究院中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室中国矿业大学深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室四川大学水利水电学院四川大学水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室煤炭科学研究总院天地科技股份有限公司
向地球深部要资源已成为国家战略。然而,现有的煤炭开采理论、技术及方法难以解决深部开采遇到的技术难题与环境污染问题,对煤炭开发与利用方式进行变革已势在必行。以煤炭技术变革为导向,以解决2 000 m 以深煤炭资源开发的瓶颈难题为目标,系统阐述了煤炭深部原位开采的科学技术构想,提出了深部原位流态化开采的采动岩体力学理论、深部原位流态化开采的“三场”可视化理论、深部原位流态化开采的原位转化多物理场耦合理论、深部原位流态化开采的原位开采设计、转化与输运理论、深部原位流态化开采的地质保障技术、深部原位流态化开采的精准探测与导航技术、深部原位流态化开采的智能开拓布局技术、深部原位智能化洗选技术、深部原位采选充电气热一体化的流态化开采技术、深部原位无人化智能输送与提升技术、深部原位能量诱导物理破碎流态化开采技术、深部原位化学转化流态化开采技术、深部原位生物降解流态化开采技术、深部原位煤粉爆燃发电关键技术等。明确了煤炭深部原位流态化开采的战略路线,构建了煤炭深部原位流态化开采的理论与技术体系。
As a national strategy,deep resources mining has been of great importance. However,current theory,tech- niques and methods cannot satisfactorily solve the technical and environmental problems in deep mining. It is critical to reform the current methodology. Guided by the coal industry revolution and with an aim to solve the bottleneck difficul- ties for over 2 000 m deep mining,this paper systematically presents the scientific conception of deep in-situ mining, and the theory and technical system of fluidized mining for deep underground mineral resources. Specifically,four theories were depicted in this paper,including (i) mining induced rock mechanics,(ii) " three fields" visualization,(iii) in-situ multi-physics coupling and design,and ( iv) the conversion and transportation of in-situ fluidized mining for deep underground coal resources. To support the four theories,ten techniques were provided,including ① geological safeguard,② accurate exploration and navigation,③ intelligent development and layout of mines,④ intelligent coal washing,⑤ in-situ intelligent mining-preparation-backfilling and conversion of electricity-steam-heat,⑥ intelligent transport and lifting,⑦ energy-induced physical fragmentation,⑧ in-situ chemical conversion,⑨ in-situ biological degradation,and ⑩ in-situ pulverized coal deflagration power generation. Finally,the strategy of deep in-situ fluidized mining was developed.
coal mining;deep in-situ;fluidized;theory and technical system;key technology;strategy
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会