New progress and direction of robot technology in coal mine
GE Shirong,HU Eryi,LI Yunwang
The intelligentization of coal mines is the only way for the high⁃quality development of coal industry. The re⁃ search and development of coal mine robot promotes the intelligent coal mines to a high level. Meanwhile,the compre⁃ hensive construction and development of intelligent coal mines provides a broad industrial application scenario for ro⁃ bots’ large⁃scale promotion and application. In this paper,a complete technical system framework of coal mine robot was proposed,and the technical base and product outer edge of coal mine robot were precisely defined. The generalized coal mine robots include single robot,robotic equipment,robot cluster,and unmanned system,etc. This pa⁃ per scientifically expounds the common key technical support for the research and development of coal mine robots, and proposes that through the cross⁃integration with new technologies such as 5G, industrial Internet, big data,Artificial Intelligence and digital twinning,the autonomous and intelligent application level of coal mine robots can be greatly improved. The customized research and development and standardized production of various kinds of ro⁃ bots can be realized through the establishment of a scientific and complete industry⁃standard system for coal mine ro⁃ bots. This paper analyzed the research progress of common key technologies such as explosion⁃proof design,mechanical system innovation,power drive,intelligent sensing,positioning and navigation,and underground communication of coal mine robots,and summarized the current research and application status of all kinds of coal mine robots in Chi⁃ na. The new direction of mine robot research and development in the future is put forward, which includes developing the metamorphic robot to improve its adaptability to underground terrain through the innovation of ro⁃ bot mechanism;promoting the robotic mining system to improve the overall intelligent level of mining equipment and mining efficiency;developing human⁃machine loop integration robot to improve the autonomy and cooperation level of coal mine robots;and speeding up the digital twinning of the whole mine robot system to improve the robots’ normal operation level.
coal mining robot; technology system; the intelligentization of coal mines; intelligent sensing; mining system
1 煤矿机器人技术体系
2 煤矿机器人共性关键技术
2.1 机器人防爆设计
2.2 机器人构型创新
2.3 机器人动力驱动技术
2.4 机器人智能传感技术
2.5 煤矿机器人定位导航技术
2.6 煤矿机器人井下通信技术
3 煤矿机器人研发应用
3.1 研发应用总体情况
3.2 煤矿机器人典型应用场景分布
3.3 各类煤矿机器人研发应用进展
4 煤矿机器人发展新方向
4.1 煤矿井下环境变胞机器人
4.2 煤矿机器人化采掘系统
4.3 井下人机环共融机器人
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会