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  • Title

    Effect of trichoderma on coal gangue decomposition and revegetaion

  • 作者


  • Author

    KONG Tao1 ,HUANG Shuman1 ,LIANG Bing2 ,ZHANG Ying1 ,ZHENG Shuang1 ,WU Dan1 ,HAN Yinuo1

  • Organization
    1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 2. College of Mechanics and Engineering,Liaon- ing Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China
  • 摘要

    为了探究木霉菌对煤矸石分解和绿化的影响效果,将低(0. 03%)、中(0. 15%)、高(0. 30%)不同剂量的木霉菌施用于煤矸石中,进行煤矸石分解实验,同时进行紫花苜蓿盆栽实验,测定煤矸石分解率、紫花苜蓿鲜重和根系特征,以及煤矸石基质的理化性质和微生物学性质。结果表明,木霉菌能够增加紫花苜蓿根长、根冠比、根体积和侧根数量;显著改变了煤矸石的机械组成,细砾是风化物的主要组成成分,随着木霉菌剂量增加,细砾有进一步分解为粗砂及中砂的趋势;促进煤矸石微观结构变好;提高了煤矸石基质碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量;促进了基质微生物量碳氮磷含量和过氧化氢酶、脲酶、磷酸酶活性,进而促进了煤矸石的分解和绿化效果。总体而言,低剂量木霉菌促进煤矸石绿化效果不明显,而中等和高剂量的木霉菌效果显著,分别将煤矸石分解率和紫花苜蓿鲜重提高了44. 24%,38. 86%和31. 33%,22. 04%,中等剂量木霉菌效果最好。因此,中等剂量的木霉菌可用于煤矸石山的绿化,具有良好的效果。

  • Abstract

    In order to explore the effect of trichoderma on the decomposition and revegetation of coal gangue,the tri-choderma with low (0. 03% ),medium (0. 15% ),high (0. 30% ) doses was applied in coal gangue decomposition experiments and alfalfa pot experiments to determine coal gangue decomposition rate,alfalfa fresh weight and root char-acteristics,as well as the physical,chemical,and microbiological properties of coal gangue matrix. The results showed that trichoderma could increase the root length,root-shoot ratio,root volume and number of lateral roots of alfalfa. Tri-choderma could significantly change the mechanical com-position of coal gangue,and fine gravel was the main compo-nent of weathering. With the increase of the dose of trichoderma,the fine gravel had a tendency to be further decom-posed into coarse sand and medium sand. Trichoderma promoted the fine microscopic structure of coal gangue. Tri-choderma could also increase avail-able nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium content,microbial biomass carbon,nitrogen,phos-phorus and catalase,urease,phosphatase activity of coal gangue matrix,thereby promoting the decomposing and revegetation effect of coal gangue. In general,the low dose trichoderma did not obviously promote the revegetation effect of coal gangue,the medium and high dose of trichoderma had the significant effect,which increased the decomposition rate of coal gangue and alfalfa fresh weight by 44. 24% ,38. 86% and 31. 33% ,22. 04% ,respec-tively. Medium dose trichoderma had the best effect on the decomposition and revegetation of coal gangue. Therefore, the medium dose of trichoderma can be used for the revegetation of coal gangue.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gangue;trichoderma;decomposition rate;revegetation;alfalfa

  • DOI
  • Citation
    KONG Tao,HUANG Shuman,LIANG Bing,et al. Effect of trichoderma on coal gangue decomposition and revegetaion [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(11):3204-3211.
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