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  • Title

    Definition of deep coal mining and response analysis

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jianmin1 ,LI Quansheng1,2 ,ZHANG Yong1 ,CAO Zhiguo1,2 ,WANG Xinzhong3

  • 单位

    煤炭水资源保护与利用国家重点实验室国家能源投资集团有限责任公司中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院

  • Organization
    1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining,Beijing  102209,China; 2. National Energy Investment Group Co. ,Bei- jing  100011,China; 3. School of Energy & Mining Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要

    科学界定深部是深部开采理论发展与技术实践的重要问题,探讨适于我国煤炭现代开采实践的深部开采界定方法具有重要意义。为此,综合考虑我国煤矿矿区深部岩石、地下水环境和现代开采方式,将区域应力场与采动应力场分析相结合,基于我国地壳浅部、煤矿矿区深部准静水应力状态分析,进一步研究我国煤矿矿区的深部界定、基于不同矿区煤岩状态(岩性及组合、含水性等)差异的相对深部界定和开采时动态深部区确定方法。研究表明,原岩初始状态和开采方式共同决定了采动力学状态及变化规律和其他伴生状态变化。基于深部与浅部的力学状态差异,将深部开采界定为在高地应力环境且具有采动非线性力学响应的煤岩体空间实施的采矿活动;依据我国煤矿矿区应力场统计变化规律和准静水应力状态分析,采用平均侧压系数Kav(即:水平最大主应力和最小主应力的平均值与垂直应力之比)确定煤矿矿区深部临界深度,结合我国中东部深部开采实践确定的参考深部临界深度Hm≈850~900 m;基于不同矿区原岩差异性(岩性及组合、含水性等),建立了不同初始状态时实际深部临界深度Hs(简称为视临界深度)与Hm比较模型,分析发现采动煤层覆岩越软和含水性越强,其深部临界深度越浅(或“趋浅”),降低幅度可达30%~50%;基于开采“应力拱”现象构建了深部采动应力状态Kav模型和Hs计算方法,采动响应分析表明:开采工作面切眼外侧及采场前端局部Hs呈变浅→变深→正常的变化特征(或“端部效应”),工作面中部区域呈变浅趋势(或“趋浅”),采高越大其Hs“趋浅”效应越显著,而随工作面推进距离增加端部效应变小;东、中、西部典型矿区Hs与Hm比较表明:东部矿区Hs偏深,中部矿区深度相近,西部(陕、蒙等)地下水丰富的矿区偏浅,在500~600 m即可达到实际深部临界深度,采深400~500 m时大采高工作面两端外侧局部也可显现深部力学状态。研究基于我国深部岩石力学研究成果和开采条件及现代开采方式,探讨提出的深部界定方法和结果,与已有深部开采理论研究与实践成果比较证实,该方法具有理论合理性和结果可靠性。

  • Abstract

    Scientific deep definition,especially the definition method of deep mining suitable for the modern mining practice,is a significant issue in developing the deep mining theory and technical practice. The deep rock,groundwater environment and modern mining methods in coal mining areas were comprehensively considered for the definition of coal deep mining. Based on the analysis of quasi-hydrostatic pressure environment in shallow crust and deep coal mine areas in China,a further study of deep definition of coal mining areas,the relative deep definition in different mining areas with the differences of coal and rock states (lithology and assemblage,water content,etc. ),and the determina- tion method of dynamic deep areas in deep mining were focused. The research shows that the coupling action between the initial state of the original rock and the mining mode determines the mechanical response behavior and state of the original rock. The remarkable features of the deep mechanical state are the high stress environment and the non-linear mechanical response characteristics,which are the main causes of the basic state in many states and the associated dis- asters in deep mining. The deep mining is then defined as a special mining activity in the space of coal and rock mass with high stress environment and non-linear mechanical response. After analyzing the regional tendency of shallow crust and local stress fields of coal mining areas with the depth in China,average lateral pressure coefficient Kav(i. e. the ratio of the average value of horizontal maximum principal stress and minimum principal stress to vertical stress) is selected as a basic parameter for the deep criteria of coal mine areas. By combining the deep mining practice in the eastern and middle part of China,the depth of 850 -900 m is appropriately considered as reference critical depth of deep coal mining in China ( shortly DCM of Hm ). Based on the difference of original rock in different mining areas (rock lithology,structure,water content,etc. ),a comparison model between Hs( i. e. the actual or visual DCM) and Hm is established,varied with initial protolithic states. Analyzing the relative change of the different mining geological situations,the result reveals that the softer the rock and the stronger the water content,the shallower the visual DCM becomes (or “shallowing”),even the depth reduction up to 30% ~ 50% . Based on the phenomenon of “stress arch” in mining,the Kav model and the Hs calculation method are constructed for the description of deep mining stress state. The modeling shows that the local stress and Hs from the cut position of working face to the external section of the pro- pulsion are the characteristic of the “end effect” changes from shallow→deep→normal,and the stress in the central area of working face is in a “lighter” state (or “shallowing”). The higher the mining height,the more pronounced the “lighter” state. The “end effect” tends to be gradually slowed down and weaken with the increase of the propulsion distance. The comparison of the critical depth from the typical mining areas shows that the depth in the eastern mining is deeper than the reference DCM, similar in the central mining area and less in the western mining area rich in groundwater (Shaanxi,Inner-Mongolia),actually so shallow as to 500-600 m. Nevertheless,the local deep mechanical anomaly could be found in the “end effect” area,in the mining depth of 400-500 m with a greater mining height using large-sized modern mining method. Based on the research results of deep rock mechanics and modern coal mining practices,the deep definition methods are proposed and discussed,combined with the characteristics of resource en- dowment in different mining regions of China and deep mining practice. By comparing with the existing related re- search and practice results,the method is proved to be rational in theory and its result is reliable. The method is useful to the research and practice of deep coal mining in China.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining;deep definition;apparent critical depth;shallow effect;west mining area

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHANG Jianmin,LI Quansheng,ZHANG Yong,et al. Definition of deep coal mining and response analysis[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(5):1314-1325.
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