• 全部
  • Title

    Research on automatic follow-up control technology of hydraulic support in intelligent working face with large mining height

  • 作者


  • Author

    LEI Zhaoyuan,YAO Yilong,LI Lei,XIAO Qu,LI Chuan,CAO Zhe

  • 单位


  • Organization
    No. 2 Coal Mine, Shaanxi Shanmei Huangling Mining Co.,Ltd.,Huangling ,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    With the advance of intelligent mining face, the core of safe and high-effective mining is the support of faces with large mining height and the primary condition is the time-space movement and supporting effect of hydraulic support. To study the application effect of hydraulic support on intelligent mining face, this thesis takes intelligent mining face with large mining height No.416 at No.2 Coal Mine of Huangling Mining Group as an example. The author analyze geological condition, relationship between supporter and surrounding rock, and introduce production process, as well as theoretical analysis which altogether contributes to the choose of ZY10800/28/63D hydraulic support. Based on the logical of intelligent element, the time attribute of SAC system is optimized through the analysis of support time-space movement. SAC system is combined with shearer and scraper conveyor which altogether realize the cooperative control of hydraulic supports. Cooperative control of hydraulic support makes intelligent mining possible. The establishment of standard of intelligent hydraulic support system, which in accord with condition on working face, ensures the harmony, safety and efficiency production of intelligent mining face at mid-deep large height mining.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    large mining height; hydraulic supporter;intelligent working face; SAC system;automatic follow-up control technology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目 (51874231,51504184);西安科技大学优秀青年科技基金资助项目(2019YQ2-16)
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