• 论文
  • Title

    Study on key control technology of floor heave in soft rock roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Guanyu,ZHAO Long,SHANG Yuqiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Yili Xinkuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd.,Yili ,China ;2.Xinwen Mining Group(Yili) Energy Development Co.,Ltd.,Yili ,China
  • 摘要

    针对西部矿井弱胶结软岩巷道易发生底鼓变形的问题,以新疆伊犁四矿21103水平石门为工程背景,通过围岩变形监测与现场观察,对软岩巷道的围岩变形特征及底鼓机理进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:伊犁四矿弱胶结软岩巷道具有岩性强度低、胶结性弱、裸露易风化、遇水易崩解、开挖大变形等特点,关键影响因素主要为底板岩性和结构状态、岩层应力、支护强度、水理作用。根据底鼓成因分析提出了巷道底板采用锚梁+锚杆+网喷+浇筑混凝土的联合支护技术,现场监测表明在巷道开挖后10 d内,底鼓速度小于顶板和两帮变形速度,开挖后10~40 d,底鼓以较为平稳的速度发展,直至50 d后底鼓基本保持稳定,说明底板联合支护结构发挥了较好的作用,该支护技术能够有效控制巷道围岩变形。

  • Abstract
    In view of the problem of the floor heave deformation in the weakly cemented soft rock roadway in western China, the 21103 horizontal entryway of Yili No.4 Mine in Xinjiang was used as the engineering background, the deformation characteristics of surrounding rock and the mechanism of floor heave were analyzed through the monitoring and site observation of surrounding rock deformation. The results show that the weak cemented soft rock roadway in Yili No.4 Mine is a weak cemented soft rock roadway. It is characterized by low lithological strength, weak cementation, easy exposure to weathering, easy disintegration in water and large excavation deformation,etc. The key influencing factors are floor lithology and structural state, rock stratum stress, support strength and hydraulics. According to the analysis of the causes of floor heave, a combined support technology of bolt beam, bolt, mesh shot-crete and pouring concrete is proposed for roadway floor. Field monitoring shows that the floor heave velocity is less than that of roof and two sides within 10 days before excavation, and the floor heave develops at a relatively stable speed within 10 days to 40 days. After 50 d, the floor heave remained basically stable, indicating that the combined support structure of the floor played a good role. The support technology can effectively control the deformation of surrounding rock.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    weakly consolidated soft rock; floor heave; surrounding rock deformation; surrounding rock control

  • 图表
    • 巷道位置

    图(5) / 表(0)


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