• 论文
  • Title

    Analytical solution for slanted well in the roof of coal mine working face

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Shi1,2 ,DONG Shu-ning1,2 ,LI Jing-sheng1 ,WANG Hao1,2 ,YANG Jian1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Xi’an Research Institute Co. Ltd. ,of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp,Xi’an  710054,China;2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Coalmine Water Hazard Control,Xi’an  710077,China
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Water-inrush from roof is one of the most harmful hazards to coal mine construction and production. The technologies of slanted drilling and drainage have been widely used in the field of coal mine water prevention and treatment, especially in preventing and controlling the water-inrush from roof. Based on the theory of point source space,this paper derived a calculation method of the well flow caused by slanted borehole in infinite horizon confined aquifer. Superposition of infinite horizontal porous confined aquifer complete slanted bore-hole flow calculation equa- tion has been verified. A set of analysis,simulation and forecast of the coal mine roof slanted borehole drainage theory and method of water was formed. Calculation equation for slanted borehole laid a good foundation to the design of the coal mining face water discharge.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    slanted borehole;roof water gush in coal mines;well flow;coal mine working;analytical solution

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Chen Shi,Dong Shuning,Li Jingsheng,et al. Analytical solution for slanted well in the roof of coal mine working face[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(6):1517-1523.

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