Coal rib burst mechanism in deep roadway and “stress relief-support reinforcement” synergetic control and prevention
TAN Yunliang,GUO Weiyao,ZHAO Tongbin,MENG Xiangjun
山东科技大学 矿山灾害预防控制省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地山东科技大学 矿业与安全工程学院山东科技大学 矿业工程国家级实验教学示范中心兖矿集团有限公司
采用室内试验、理论分析、数值模拟和工程实践相结合的综合研究方法,研究了“煤体”自身能量释放型和“煤体+顶底板”共同能量释放型两类煤巷帮部失稳诱冲机理,分析了深部煤巷帮部不同破坏类型的能量释放特征,揭示了深部煤巷帮部“卸-固”协同控制机理,研发了深部煤巷帮部失稳“卸-固”协同控制技术。结果表明:① 顶底板及煤体内积聚弹性变形能共同释放是导致深部煤巷帮部发生冲击破坏的基本力学机制;② 深部煤巷帮部按破坏程度由弱到强依次为产生宏观裂缝、轻微帮鼓片帮、严重片帮和帮部整体抛出共4类破坏形态;③ 产生宏观裂缝和轻微帮鼓片帮破坏驱动能量主要来自煤体本身,而严重片帮和帮部整体抛出破坏驱动能量来自煤体和顶底板共同作用;④ 深部煤巷帮部冲击地压防控应从“卸”和“固”两方面入手,包括巷帮浅部破裂区煤体加固和巷帮深部完整区煤体及顶底板卸压,实现煤巷帮部冲击地压“卸-固”协同控制。如何提升巷道锚固支护系统与围岩结构耦合吸能水平,构建冲击地压灾害"卸-固"协同控制理论与技术体系,是深部开采冲击地压防治工程中需重点研究内容之一。
The methods including laboratory tests,theoretical analysis,case studies,numerical simulation and field ap- plications are comprehensively used for researching this issue in this paper. First,the rock burst mechanism of coal rib,including “coal body” and “coal body+roof ” energy released structures of roadway surrounding rock,and the en- ergy release characteristics of different failure types of coal rib are studied and analyzed. Second,the “stress relief-sup- port reinforcement” synergetic control mechanism of coal rib burst is revealed. Finally,the “stress relief-support rein- forcement” synergetic control technique is presented. Results show that:① The energy release of coal,roof and floor can induce the dynamic failure of coal rib;② Based on the damage degree from weak to strong,the failure types of coal rib can be categorized into macro crack generation,weak rib spalling,serious rib spalling and whole rib ejection;③ The released energy of macro crack generation and weak rib spalling mainly comes from coal rib,but the serious rib spalling and whole rib ejection comes from the coal,roof and floor;④ To achieve the goal of “stress relief-support re- inforcement” synergetic control,coal rib burst control in deep coal mining should focus on two aspects,i. e. the support reinforcement of shallow fractured zone of coal rib and the stress relief of deep intact zone of coal rib,roof or floor. There are two crucial research aspects in the study of rock burst prevention and control in deep coal mining. One is to obtain the coupling energy absorption mechanism of roadway anchorage support system and surrounding rock structure. The other is to establish the system of “stress relief-support reinforcement” synergetic control theory and technique.
deep mining;coal roadway,rock burst,energy release,stress relief,support;synergetic control and preven- tion
1 煤-岩组合结构体破坏失稳特征
1.1 煤-岩组合结构体试样制备及试验方案
1.2 两体组合结构试验结果分析
1.3 三体组合结构试验结果分析
2 深部煤巷帮部失稳诱冲机理
2.1 “煤体”自身能量释放诱发失稳
2.2 “煤体+顶底板”共同能量释放诱发失稳
2.3 煤巷帮部破坏能量判据及影响因素分析
3 深部煤巷帮部破坏类型及能量释放特征
3.1 深部煤巷帮部破坏类型
3.2 煤巷帮部破坏能量释放特征
4 深部煤巷帮部“卸-固”协同控制技术与实践
4.1 “卸-固”协同控制机理
4.2 “卸-固”协同控制设计方法
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会