• 论文
  • Title

    Current situation and development trend of coalbed methane development and utilization technology in coal mine area

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Jianzhong,SUN Haitao,LEI Yi,CAO Jie

  • 单位

    中国煤炭科工集团有限公司 科技发展部瓦斯灾害监控与应急技术国家重点实验室中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司 科技发展部

  • Organization
    Department of Science and Technology Development,China Coal Technology & Engineering Group; State Key Laboratory of Gas Disaster Detecting,Preventing and Emergency Controlling; Department of Science and Technology Development,Chongqing Re-search Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp; China Coal Research Institute
  • 摘要

    “十二五”以来,为响应国家油气生产供应多元化发展战略的需求,我国煤矿区煤层气开发利用技术取得了巨大的进步,虽然煤炭淘汰落后产能政策的推进使得我国煤矿数量由近20 000对直线下降到了不足5 800对,但煤层气产量仍由2010年的88亿m3提高到了2018年的184亿m3,利用率亦提升了10%,科技对产业的贡献巨大;但是也出现了单井排采产量低、气源分散性高等新的问题。因此,全面梳理了近10 a煤矿区地面抽采技术装备、井下抽采技术装备和煤矿区高、低浓度煤层气利用技术装备的科技创新、应用效果等,阐述了煤矿区煤层气开发利用在三级瓦斯地质分析技术、碎软低渗煤层地面井分段压裂顶板技术、煤层群分层控压联合排采技术、采动区地面L型顶板水平井技术、井下千米定向长钻孔技术、碎软煤层井下护孔钻进技术、智能化钻机远控钻孔技术、井下水力化压裂/割缝增渗技术等煤层气抽采技术及其配套装备最新进展和中高浓度煤层气深冷液化、低浓度煤层气分级压缩提浓、超低浓度煤层气蓄热氧化利用等煤层气利用装备的最新进展、技术指标。在此基础上,针对我国目前面临的深部开采、西部矿井开采及高强度集约化开采等特点分类整理了目前束缚煤层气产业发展的技术瓶颈和发展趋势,提出了煤炭开采与煤层气开发协同规划和联合开发的发展思路等。

  • Abstract

    Since the 12th Five Year Plan,the development and utilization technology of coalbed methane in China’ s coal mining areas has made great progress. Although the number of coal mines in China from nearly 20 000 to less than 5 800,the production of coalbed methane has increased from 8. 8 billion m3 in 2010 to 18. 4 billion m3 in 2018,the u- tilization rate has also increased by 10 percentage,and the technology has made a great contribution to the coalbed methane industry. However,there are also new problems such as low single well production and high gas source disper- sion. Therefore,this paper comprehensively reviews the scientific and technological innovation and application effect of surface extraction technology and equipment,underground extraction technology and equipment,and high and low con- centration coalbed methane utilization technology and equipment in coal mine areas in recent 10 years. This paper ex- pounds the development and utilization of coalbed methane in the coal mine areas,including three-level gas geological analysis technology,roof fracturing technology of ground wells in broken soft and low-permeability coal seams,layered and pressure controlled combined mining technology of coal seams,L-shaped Roof Horizontal Well Technology in min- ing area,kilometer long Directional Borehole technology under the well,underground hole protection drilling technology of broken soft coal seam,remote control drilling technology of intelligent drilling machine,technology of hydraulic frac- turing / slotting and permeability increasing in well water and so on,and the latest progress and technical indicators of utilization equipment for coalbed methane,such as cryogenic liquefaction of medium and high concentration coalbed methane,classified compression and concentration of low concentration coalbed methane,thermal storage and oxidation utilization of ultra-low concentration coalbed methane,etc. On this basis,according to the characteristics of deep min- ing,western mining and high-intensity intensive mining,the paper classifies the technical bottlenecks and development trends that restrict the development of coalbed methane industry,and puts forward the development ideas of collabora- tive planning and joint development of coal mining and coalbed methane development.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining area,coalbed methane,development,utilization,development trend

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 煤矿区煤层气地面开发新技术进展

       1.1 瓦斯富集地质理论方法

       1.2 碎软煤层高效抽采技术

       1.3 分层控压联合排采技术

       1.4 采动区地面L型顶板水平井抽采技术

       1.5 100t地面车载钻机及穿越采空区钻井技术

    2 煤矿区煤层气井下开发新技术进展

       2.1 井下定向长钻孔技术

       2.2 松软煤层全孔段护孔钻进技术

       2.3 碎软煤层中深孔气动马达定向钻进技术

       2.4 地面遥控智能钻机

       2.5 井下顺层钻孔水力压裂增渗技术

       2.6 井下超高压水力割缝增渗技术

       2.7 井下高压空气爆破致裂增透技术

    3 煤矿区煤层气梯级利用新技术进展

      3.1 煤层气含氧深冷液化技术

      3.2 低浓度煤层气变压浓缩吸附技术

      3.3 极低浓度煤层气蓄热氧化技术

    4 煤矿区煤层气开发利用面临的新问题及发展趋势

    5 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘见中,孙海涛,雷毅,等. 煤矿区煤层气开发利用新技术现状及发展趋势[J]. 煤炭学报,2020,45(1):258-267.
  • Citation
    LIU Jianzhong,SUN Haitao,LEI Yi,et al. Current situation and development trend of coalbed methane development and utilization technology in coal mine area[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(1):258-267.
  • 相关文章
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 2006—2017年地面煤层气抽采量和井下煤层气抽采利用量变化

    图(16) / 表(0)


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