• 全部
  • Title

    Research on technical-economic indexes and parameters of coal to liquid and chemical construction project

  • 作者


  • Author

    BU Xuepeng,YU Zhufeng,WANG Qiang,HAN Yijie,TAO Yi,LUO Teng,TIAN Hua,ZHANG Jun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CHN Energy Technology & Economics Research Institute,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    On the basis of a large number of investigation and discussion, a relatively complete technical-economic indexes system of coal to liquid and chemical construction project has been established for the first time, including four process routes of direct coal liquefaction, indirect coal liquefaction, coal to olefin (MTO) and coal to methanol. Based on the actual investigation of the operation data of related coal to liquid and chemical projects from enterprises inside and outside the National Energy Group and the design data of new projects under construction and planning, a large number of benchmarking analysis and expert argumentation, the reasonable value of technical-economic indexes parameters of coal to liquid and chemical construction projects is determined. The decision-making indexes and parameters for decision-making reference are put forward, and the construction indexes and parameters for investment and construction project evaluation are constructed. The parameter values fully consider the requirements of national policies, specifications and relevant standards on project construction scale, energy efficiency, environmental protection, safety and other aspects. At the same time, they reflect the experience and advanced concepts of coal to liquid and chemical project construction, production management and other aspects. The research results can provide support basis for the preliminary research, decision-making, project construction and project evaluation of the new and reconstruction and expansion projects of coal to liquid chemical industry, and also provide reference for the investment and construction projects of coal to liquid chemical industry of other relevant enterprises in the same industry in China.
  • 关键词

    煤制油煤直接液化 煤间接液化 煤制烯烃 煤制甲醇 煤化工建设项目

  • KeyWords

    coal to liquid; direct coal liquefaction; indirect coal liquefaction; coal to olefin; coal to methanol; coal chemical construction project

  • 图表
    • 煤制油化工建设项目技术经济指标体系架构

    图(1) / 表(0)


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