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  • Title

    Research on drum load characteristics in oblique cutting process of shearer with coal containing parting

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Lijuan,LUO Guiheng,LIU Xunan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin ,China
  • 摘要

    为研究采煤机螺旋滚筒在斜切进刀工况下截割含夹矸煤层时的载荷问题,应用Pro/e建立煤壁落煤空间模型,并将其与滚筒导入到离散元软件EDEM中,利用从兖矿集团杨村矿17层煤岩所测得的煤样参数完成颗粒填充,形成滚筒截割的离散元仿真模型。通过前期试验,决定采用分段建立煤壁的方法以减少仿真时间。结果表明:在斜切进刀过程中,滚筒所受合力逐渐增大,且在含夹矸工况下的受力明显大于全煤工况下的受力,约为其4倍;滚筒所受牵引阻力与截割阻力逐渐增大,且牵引阻力约为截割阻力的2倍;轴向力呈先增大后减小的趋势;滚筒与煤壁开始接触时,为单齿受力,最大值可达15 000 N。验证了采用分段建立EDEM仿真模型方法的可行性与准确性,且可节约90%的仿真时间,为采煤机螺旋滚筒斜切进刀过程研究提供了参考依据。

  • Abstract
    In order to study the load characteristics of the shearer’s spiral drum cutting the coal seam containing under the condition of the bevel cutting,the Pro/e is used to establish the coal wall space model and introduce it into the discrete element software EDEM.The particle filling is measured by the coal sample parameters measured from the 17-layer coal rock of Yangcun Coal Mine of Yankuang dustry Group, and the discrete element simulation model of drum cutting is founded.Through preliminary experiments, it is decided to adopt a method of segmenting the coal wall to reduce the simulation time.The results show that during the oblique cutting process joint force of the drum gradually increases, and the force under the clamping condition is significantly greater than that under the full coal condition, which is about 4 times of the force under the full coal condition.The traction resistance and cutting resistance of the drum gradually increase,and the traction resistance is about twice the cutting resistance; the axial force increases first and then decreases.When the drum starts to contact with the coal wall, it is a single-tooth force, and the maximum value can reach up to 15 000 N.The feasibility and accuracy of using the segmented EDEM simulation model were verified, and 90% of simulation time was saved, which provided a reference for the study of the oblique cutting process of the shearer drum.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shearer;spiral drum; oblique cutting; parting; EDEM software

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