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  • Title

    Fatigue life prediction of shearer rocker shell based on DEM−MFBD bidirectional coupling technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Lijuan;YANG Shijie;ZHANG Haining;HAN Liguo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要

    采煤机摇臂壳体是采煤机的重要部件及薄弱环节,其寿命直接影响采煤机的工作性能。为研究采煤机截割复杂煤层时滚筒所受载荷对其摇臂壳体寿命的影响,以MG325型采煤机截割兖州矿区杨村煤矿17层含夹矸煤壁为工程背景,通过虚拟样机技术和离散单元法−多柔体动力学(Discrete Element Method-Multi Flexible Body Dynamics,DEM−MFBD)双向耦合技术,利用离散元仿真软件EDEM和多体系统动力学仿真软件RecurDyn,基于实际工况获得采煤机螺旋滚筒的外负载。在RecurDyn仿真平台中,建立采煤机摇臂三维实体模型并进行边界条件的设置及摇臂壳体的柔性化,通过软件本身的Durability疲劳耐久分析模块,计算摇臂壳体的疲劳寿命。利用专业绘图软件Origin绘制2个软件后处理的载荷曲线图,发现其走势较为一致,其后处理数据均值,标准差等相接近,证明两者耦合效果较好。结果表明:MG325型采煤机以滚筒转速83.5 r/min,截深600 mm,牵引速度5 m/min截割复杂煤层时,滚筒所受载荷具有较为强烈的载荷波动现象,由等效应力云图可得摇臂壳体的最大等效应力为230.51 MPa,且应力较大处集中位于壳体的各个齿轮轴孔处、凹槽处以及上下耳过渡处,经应力疲劳分析后得其最小寿命位于壳体的齿轮轴孔处,循环次数为8.3215×106次。本研究方法可为复杂条件下工矿装备大型结构件的优化设计提供参考。

  • Abstract

    Shearer rocker arm shell is an important component and weak link of shearer, and its life directly affects the working performance of shearer. In order to study the influence of the load on the drum about the life of the rocker arm shell when the shearer is cutting complex coal seams. Taking MG325 shearer to cut 17 layers of gangue containing coal wall in Yangcun Coal Mine of Yanzhou mining area as the project object, the external load of shearer spiral drum is obtained based on the actual working conditions by using Discrete Element Method-Multi Flexible Body Dynamics (DEM−MFBD ) two-way coupling technology, discrete element simulation software EDEM and multi-body system dynamics simulation software RecurDyn. In the RecurDyn simulation platform, the three-dimensional model of the shearer rocker arm is established, and the boundary conditions are set and the rocker arm shell is flexible. The fatigue life of the rocker shell is calculated through the Durability fatigue durability analysis module of the software itself. The professional drawing software Origin is used to draw the post-processing load curve of the two software. It is found that the trend was relatively consistent, and the post-processing data mean and standard deviation is close, which proved that the coupling effect between the two is good. The results show that when the MG325 shearer is used with a drum speed of 83.5 r/min, a cut-off depth of 600 mm and traction speed of 5 m/min to cut complex coal seams, the load on the drum has a strong load fluctuation phenomenon. The maximum equivalent stress of the shell is 230.51 MPa. The higher equivalent stress of the shell is concentrated at each gear shaft hole, groove and the transition of upper and lower ear. After stress fatigue analysis, the minimum life is located at the gear shaft hole of the shearer shell, and the number of cycles is 8.3215×106 times. This research method can provide a reference for the optimization design of large structural parts of industrial and mining equipment under complex conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shearer;rocker arm shell;Discrete Element Method-Multi Flexible Body Dynamics(DEM-MFBD) bidirectional coupling technology;rigid flexible coupling simulation;fatigue life

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    赵丽娟,杨世杰,张海宁,等. 基于DEM−MFBD双向耦合技术的采煤机摇臂壳体疲劳寿命预测[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(S2):252−258.
  • Citation
    ZHAO Lijuan,YANG Shijie,ZHANG Haining,et al. Fatigue life prediction of shearer rocker shell based on DEM−MFBD bidirectional coupling technology[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(S2):252−258.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • MG325型采煤机摇臂传动系统简图

    图(10) / 表(3)


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