• 全部
  • Title

    Design and implementation of road network database in open-pit mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Zhen SUN Xiaoyu TIAN Fengliang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resource & Civil Engineering,Northeastern University
  • 摘要
    为了解决当前露天矿道路网数据的管理中可视化水平不高、使用维护不便的弊端,依托于计算机领域的关系型数据库和面向对象技术等相关理论和方法,在分析道路网功能需求和数据需求的基础上,实现了道路网数据库概念结构、逻辑结构和物理结构的设计,建立了二进制格式存储向数据库存储的数据转换模型,并利用某露天矿真实道路数据对道路网数据库进行查询和保存测试。结果表明:道路网数据库的设计和实现提高了数据的可视性,简化了数据访问,通过数据库的主、外键确保了数据的一致和准确;读取全部道路网数据用时79.14 ms,保存用时50.99 ms,均不会对露天矿的生产活动造成影响。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the drawbacks of low level of visualization and inconvenient maintenance in the management of road network data in open pit mine,relyi ng on relational database and object-oriented technology in the field of computer and other related theories and methods,base on the basis of analyzing,the functional r equirements and data requirements of road network,the design of conceptual structure logical structure and physical structure of road network database is realized,the data conversion model from binary format storage to database storage is established.and the road network database is queried and saved by using the real road data 0 f an open pit mine.The results show that the design and implementation of the road network database improves the visibility of the data,simplifies the data access,ensur es the consistency and accuracy of the data through the main and foreign keys of the database; reads all the road network data using 79.14 ms,saves 50.99 ms,and do es not interfere with the production activities of the open pit mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open-pit mine; database; data transformation model; performance testing;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引言
    1 需求分析
    1.1 功能需求
    1.2 数据需求
    2 数据库设计
    2.1 概念结构设计
    2.2 逻辑结构设计
    2.3 物理结构设计
    3 数据库实现关键技术
    3.1 ADO.NET数据访问技术
    3.2 数据转换技术
    4 数据库性能测试
    4.1 数据库记录查询测试
    4.2 数据库记录保存测试
    5 结论
  • 引用格式

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