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  • Title

    Equipment and key technologies for full-section scientifically drilling of kilometer-level vertical shafts

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Zhiqiang ,SONG Zhaoyang ,CHENG Shouye ,JI Hongguang ,TAN Jie ,JING Guoye

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing China Coal Mine Engineering Co. ,Ltd;National Engineering Lab for Deep Shaft Construction Technology in CoalMine;Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Space Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing;School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要

    千米级竖井全断面钻进技术是我国深地开发的重要技术支撑。围绕机械高效破岩与智能安全钻进这一主题,阐述了机械破岩钻井装备和无人化钻井的研究进展,梳理得出以竖井钻机、竖井掘进机和反井钻机3种钻机构成的机械破岩科学钻井技术、工艺及装备体系,并凝练出竖井全断面科学钻进过程中破岩、排渣、智能监控、支护和辅助钻进5项核心技术及其涵盖的12项关键技术;提出千米级竖井全断面机械破岩钻井需要攻克的关键技术问题与科学问题。针对深部高应力、高岩温和高水压条件下岩石强流变、强扰动等特点,以破岩与围岩控制技术、高效排渣技术、装备钻进与支撑技术的“三位一体”协同控制为核心,将重点攻克:① 深部破岩机理和井帮围岩控制理论研究,以及辅助机械破岩的高效破岩技术;② 多相流流动理论研究,优化多相比、提升高度、多相流速等参数,建立低能耗高效循环排渣模式;③ 围岩智能感知、判识与精准钻进轨迹的智能化控制理论研究,开发深部地层钻进多信息融合的钻机自适应钻进技术。为解决机械破岩、多相流循环排渣、钻井智能推进3者之间的协调性和匹配性问题,从基础理论分析、装备性能、工艺研究3个方面,构建了机械破岩科学钻井参数动态优化设计体系,基于以上机械化全断面钻井技术和装备现有条件和尚待攻克难题的梳理,有望为国家千米级竖井全断面钻进成套技术与装备的开发与升级提供借鉴。

  • Abstract

    The full section drilling technology of kilometer level vertical shaft is an important technical support for deep mine development.Focusing on the theme of mechanical efficient rock breaking and intelligent safe drilling,this paper expounds the research progress of mechanical rock breaking drilling equipment and unmanned drilling,reviews the technology,process and equipment system of mechanical rock breaking scientifically drilling composed of three kinds of drilling rigs:vertical shaft drilling machine,vertical shaft driving machine and reverse shaft drilling machine,and summarizes rock breaking,slag discharging,intelligent monitoring and control during the whole section scientific drilling of vertical shaft.Five core technologies of support and auxiliary drilling and 12 key technologies covered by them are put forward,and the key technical problems,scientific problems and research and development ideas that need to be solved in the whole section mechanical rock breaking drilling of kilometer level shaft are put forward.According to the characteristics of strong rheology and strong disturbance of formation rock under the condition of deep high stress,high rock temperature and high water pressure,taking the control technology of rock breaking and surrounding rock,high efficiency slag removal technology,equipment drilling and support technology called “three in one” collaborative control technology as the core,the focusing points in future research will be 1) The deep rock breaking mechanism and the surrounding rock control theory of shaft wall,the high efficiency rock breaking tech nology of auxiliary mechanical rock breaking.2) The multi phase flow dynamic theory,optimization of multi comparison,lifting height,velocity and other parameters,establishment of low energy consumption and efficient circulation slag removal mode.3) Research on the intelligent control theory of surrounding rock intelligent perception and identification and precise drilling trajectory,and development on the adaptive drilling technology of multi information fusion for deep formation drilling.Based on the previous systematic theoretical analysis,scientific test and drilling engineering application,combined with the interdisciplinary integration of engineering geology,drilling technology,rock mechanics,rock fragmentation,engineering mechanics,mechanical engineering and materials science,from three aspects of basic theoretical analysis,equipment performance and technology research,then a dynamic optimization design body for drilling parameters of mechanical rock breaking science is constructed.It provides a strong support for solving the coordination and matching among mechanical rock breaking,multi phase flow circulation slag removal and intelligent drilling promotion,finally forming a complete set of technology and equipment for full section scientifically drilling of kilometer level shaft,promoting the development of drilling science and scientifically drilling,as well as the progress of full section driving technology of kilometer level shaft.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock breaking theory,shaft drilling,shaft rig,reverse rig,shaft boring machine

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 机械破岩钻井工艺及装备发展现状

    1.1 竖井钻机钻井方面

    1.2 竖井掘进机凿井方面

    1.3 反井钻机钻井方面

    2 千米级全断面科学钻井关键技术

    2.1 机械破岩技术

    2.2 高效排渣技术

    2.3 随钻支护技术

    2.4 辅助钻进技术

    2.5 智能监控技术

    3 机械破岩科学钻井的关键科学技术问题

    3.1 机械破岩科学钻井科学问题

    3.2 千米级科学钻井关键技术

    4 结语与展望

  • 引用格式
    刘志强,宋朝阳,程守业,等. 千米级竖井全断面科学钻进装备与关键技术分析[J]. 煤炭学报,2020,45(11):3645-3656.
  • Citation
    LIU Zhiqiang,SONG Zhaoyang,CHENG Shouye,et al. Equipment and key technologies for full-section scientifically
    drilling of kilometer-level vertical shafts[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(11):3645-3656.
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  • 图表
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