• 全部
  • Title

    Study on underlying coal seam stress distribution and failure characteristics in slicing mining of extra-thick coal seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAO Jianliang,CAI Hanghang,LU Fangchao,WANG Wenyuan

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院河南理工大学 河南省瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心

  • Organization
    College of Safety Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University; State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control,Henan Polytechnic University; Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    For the extra-thick coal seam layering mining,grasping the stress distribution law and deformation characteristics of the underlying coal seam after coal mining can provide some theoretical basis for studying the evolution law of permeability distribution of the underlying coal seam and accurately determining the gas enrichment area in gob. Therefore,in order to clarify the stress distribution law and deformation characteristics of coal seam under inclined extra-thick coal seam,the numerical simulation calculation of coal seam mining with different coal seam inclination was carried out. First,based on the theory of gob compaction,the stress-strain relationship of caving rock mass in gob was obtained,and then the mechanical parameters of caving rock mass in caving zone were determined by trial and error. On this basis,through numerical simulation calculation and analysis,the influence law of coal seam inclination change on the stress distribution and failure characteristics of the underlying coal seam was obtained. The results showed that:in the scope of gob floor,with the increase of coal seam inclination,theO ring of gob stress recovery is no longer distributed symmetrically in the central strike line of gob,but migrated to the lower part. Along the dip,the lateral stress concentration coefficient at both the upper and lower ends of the gob decreases with the increase of the coal seam dip angle,but the lateral stress concentration coefficient at the upper dip end is always smaller than that at the lower dip end. Along the strike,in the working face floor,the stress concentration coefficient of advance support increases with the increase of coal seam dip Angle. Finally,through the analysis of the distribution of the plastic failure zone of the underlying coal seam,it can be seen that the plastic failure depth of both the working face and the upper inclined floor increases with the increase of the coal seam inclination,but the failure depth of the upper inclined floor is always smaller than that of the lower inclined floor. The location of the maximum plastic failure depth of the gob floor is gradually away from the middle of the gob,and tends to the lower end.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal seam dip angle;extra-thick coal seam; floor stress; underlying coal seam;gas enrichment

  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 数值模拟方案

       1.1 模拟原型及岩体力学参数确定

       1.2 不同煤层倾角物理模型构建

       1.3 模型边界条件及本构模型的选取

    2 破碎岩体的力学参数

       2.1 采空区压实理论

       2.2 采空区垮落岩体岩体力学参数

    3 数值模拟结果分析

       3.1 煤层倾角变化对下伏煤层应力分布的影响

       3.2 煤层倾角对底板不同深度煤层应力分布的影响

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    GAO Jianliang,CAI Hanghang,LU Fangchao,et al.Study on underlying coal seam stress distribution and failure characteristics in slicing mining of extra-thick coal seams[J]Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(5):19-26.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 不同煤层倾角采场物理模型

    图(8) / 表(0)


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