• 全部
  • Title

    Kinematics theory of six⁃axis robot and its application in digging and anchoring operation

  • 作者


  • Author

    SONG Guodong,WEI Like,MA Hongwei,FU Jiye,LIU Xiliang

  • 单位

    应急管理部信息研究院西安科技大学 机械工程学院沈阳新松机器人自动化股份有限公司

  • Organization
    Information Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management; School of Mechanical Engineerine,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;Siasun Robot & Automation Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    随着煤炭智能化综采工作面的快速发展对发展相对滞后的掘进智能化提出了更高的要 求然而由于掘进作业受限于空间狭小工艺复杂顶板垮落风险大等特殊条件传统的掘进机和锚 杆机等装备对作业人员依赖程度高不能实现掘支无人化。 在掘锚护环节针对传统两轴作业方式 在灵活性和智能化方面无法满足快速掘进需求基于逆运动学理论对掘锚一体化作业进行了系统 性研究。 首先在掘锚一体化作业方面提出了一种基于 EBZ230 悬臂式掘进机由锚钻平台和小 臂机器人协同作业的掘锚机器人群的整体架构达到替代人工作业的目的实现掘进和锚护作业的 一体化;其次通过锚钻平台对小臂机器人末端位置约束构建操作小臂机器人的逆运行学方程提 出了在准确达到钻孔所需末端位姿的同时避开空间范围内障碍物的方法利用生成的小臂机器人 各关节在空间内无碰撞的运动路径验证了小臂机器人末端位姿的准确程度和重复定位的精确程 度;最后在机器人群协同作业方面给出了小臂机器人回收伸展姿态的空间位置关系小臂机器 人控制策略以及各关节作业范围验证了六轴式小臂机器人与掘锚各工序协同作业的可行性。 与 传统掘进和锚护单体装备相比掘锚一体化机器人具有自动化程度高作业精度高和适应性强等特 点是无人掘进作业的重要发展方向

  • Abstract

    With the rapid development of intelligent mechanized coal mining face,some higher requirements are needed for the relatively backward intelligent heading technology. However,due to the special conditions such as nar⁃ row space,complex technology and high risk of roof falling,the traditional roadheader and bolt machine are highly de⁃ pendent on the operators and cannot realize the unmanned heading operation. In the process of excavation and bolting,the traditional two⁃axis operation mode cannot meet the needs of rapid excavation in terms of flexibility and in⁃ telligence. Based on the theory of inverse kinematics,the integrated operation of excavation and bolting is systematically investigated in this study. Firstly,in the aspect of driving anchor integration operation,an overall structure of driving anchor robot based on the EBZ230 cantilever roadheader is proposed,which is coordinated by anchor drilling platform and small arm robot,to replace manual operation,and realize the integration of driving and anchoring operation. Sec⁃ ondly,through the constraint of anchor drilling platform at the end position of small arm robot,the operating small arm robot is constructed based on the inverse kinematics equation,and a method is proposed to avoid the obstacles in the space while accurately achieving the end pose required by drilling. The collision free motion path of each joint in the space is generated to verify the accuracy of the end pose and the accuracy of repeated positioning. Finally,in the as⁃ pect of robot crowd cooperative operation,the space position relationship of the recovery and extension posture of the small arm robot is given. The operation range of each joint,the cooperative control strategy of the group and the overall layout of the anchor digging robot are provided. Also,the feasibility of the cooperative operation of each process and the integrated design of the anchor digging is verified. Compared with the traditional excavation and anchor protec⁃ tion single equipment, the excavation and anchor integration robot has the characteristics of high degree of automation,high operation precision and strong adaptability,which is an important development direction of unmanned excavation.

  • 引用格式
    宋国栋,魏立科,马宏伟,等. 六轴式小臂机器人运动学理论研究及其在掘锚作业中的应用[J]. 煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):1114-1123.
  • Citation
    SONG Guodong,WEI Like,MA Hongwei,et al. Kinematics theory of six⁃axis robot and its application in digging and anchoring operation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):1114-1123.

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