• 全部
  • Title

    Effect of functional characteristics of Yanchang coal micro-components on low-temperature pyrolysis reactivity

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Jun,ZHANG Qian,LIANG Litong,WANG Dong,PENG Zeyu,XIANG Xinning,ZHAO Wei,HUANG Wei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal Utilization,Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    利用一种低变质烟煤显微组分分离所得的镜质组富集煤样(YCV)和惰质组富集煤样 (YCI)为研究对象结合热重全二维气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC×GC-MS),FT-IRRaman 分析考 察了煤岩显微组分官能团和碳结构差别对其低温热解产物组成特性的影响。 煤结构分析发现YCV 中无定型碳相对含量较高连接的侧链较多且含有丰富的酚OH醇 CO酚 CO甲基及 亚甲基等类型官能团。 而 YCI 石墨化程度和缩合程度较高结构中较稳定的芳香 C

  • Abstract

    The vitrinite enriched coal samples (YCV) and inertinite enriched coal samples (YCI) obtained from mac⁃ eral separation of a low metamorphic bituminous coal were studied in this paper.Combined with thermogravimetric, full⁃two⁃dimensional gas chromatography⁃mass spectrometry (GC×GC-MS),FT-IR and Raman analyses,the effects of different maceral functional groups and carbon structures on the composition characteristics of the pyrolysis products at low temperature were investigated.The analysis of coal structure found that the relative content of amorphous carbon in YCV is relatively high,the side chains connected are more and it is rich in phenol —OH,alcohol C—O,phenol

    C—O,methyl and methylene and other types of functional groups.However,YCI has higher graphitization degree and condensation degree,and has more stable aromatic structure,in which aromatic C=C,aromatic C=O and R—C=O are more. The oxygen⁃containing functional groups are mainly carboxyl, carbonyl and aromatic ether. Low⁃temperature pyrolysis experiments show that compared with raw coal and YCI,YCV tar yield,pyrolysis water and pyrolysis gas yield are the highest,and semi⁃coke yield is the lowest.Pyrolysis gas composition analysis and tar compo⁃ sition analysis found that the relative content of Hand CHin YCV pyrolysis gas is higher,and the content of aliphat⁃ ic hydrocarbon compounds and phenolic compounds in tar is higher. This is due to the relative content of fatty side chains in YCV is relatively high and unstable. The temperature required for the thermal decomposition of the side chain is relatively low,which facilitates the generation of low⁃molecular free radical fragments and combines with H free radicals to form small molecules of H2,CHand releases aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds in tar. The high content of phenolic compounds is closely related to the more phenolic hydroxyl functional groups in the YCV structure.The relative content of CO and COin YCI pyrolysis gas is relatively high,and there are more polycyclic aro⁃ matic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heteroatomic compounds in the tar, which are closely related to the higher graphitization degree of YCI,more stable aromatic rings in the structure,and abundant oxy⁃ gen⁃containing functional groups such as aromatic C=O,R—C=O and carboxyl groups in the structure.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal maceral;centrifugal separation;low temperature pyrolysis;tar

  • 引用格式
    王骏,张乾,梁丽彤,等. 煤岩显微组分官能团和碳结构特性对低温热解反应性的影响[J].煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):1042-1049.
  • Citation
    WANG Jun,ZHANG Qian,LIANG Litong,et al. Effect of functional characteristics of Yanchang coal micro-com⁃ ponents on low-temperature pyrolysis reactivity[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):1042-1049.
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