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  • Title

    Experiments of mine fire in ascensional airflow and the mine fire control simulation

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Mingqian,LI Zongxiang,LI Teng,WANG Haiwen,XU Haoyu,YANG Zhibin

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程学院辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程研究院苏州金像电子有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Safety Science and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University;Research Institute of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University;Suzhou Gold Circuit Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    矿井火灾通风系统紊乱及其灾情演变特征是当前矿井火灾研究的热点问题通过实验得 到不同通风能力时上行风流火灾主干风路和旁侧支路温度与风量变化规律运用矿井物理通风仿 真 TF1M3D 软件结合算例矿井详细描述全域矿井的上行通风火灾变化及通风系统紊乱过程研 究表明在矿井系统中火灾燃烧作为非控制性能量释放热动力源其火风压与矿井通风动力相互 作用导致矿井风流紊乱随着火势不断增强上行风流火灾可以导致旁侧支路风量的降低停滞 和逆转变化在复杂风网中引发烟流沿某一回路形成大流循环扩大灾害影响救灾提高通风机 能力可以降低旁侧支路的通风热阻力增量避免旁侧支路发生风流逆转TF1M3D 仿真结果表明当算例矿井风机转数从 540 r / min 提高到 740 r / min 克服了上行风流火灾引起旁侧支路 402 工 作面的烟流逆转从变化规律上理论结果与实验结果相印证

  • Abstract

    That disordered characteristics and its disaster evolution characteristics of mine ventilation system caused by as⁃censional airflow fire is a focus of mine fire research. Through repeated experiments,the variation laws of tem⁃ perature and air volume in main and side branches of ventilation system with different ventilation capacity due to as⁃ censional airflow fire are obtained. Using the TF1M(3D),a catastrophic ventilation simulation software,to solve the problems of mine physical ventilation,combined with the analysis on the example,the variation of ascensional airflow fire and the process of disordered ventilation system in the whole mine are described in detail. It is shown that in the mine ventilation system,the combustion plays a role of the power source of non⁃controlled energy release,and its fire pressure interacts with the thermal resistance of mine ventilation,which directly causes the airflow disorder of the mine ventilation system. As the fire intensifies, the ascensional airflow fire can cause the airflow in side branch to decrease,stagnate or even reverse,which may lead to the expansion of the disaster and seriously affect the speed of disaster relief. Improving the fan supply capacity can not only reduce the ventilation thermal resistance in⁃ crement of the side branch,but also avoid the airflow reversal of the side branch at the same time. The simulation re⁃ sultsusing the software TF1M3D demonstrate that when the speed of mine fan increases from 540 r/min to 740 r / min,the reversal of smoke flow in the side branch ( the 402 working face) caused by ascensional airflow fire is overcome. In terms of variation law,the theoretical results and the experimental results are mutually verified.

  • 关键词

    火灾实验灾变通风TF1M3D 平台系统紊乱应急管理

  • KeyWords

    fire test,disaster ventilation, TF1M3D, system disorder, emergency management

  • 引用格式
    张明乾,李宗翔,李腾,等. 矿井网域系统上行火灾灾情演变特征研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):785-792.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Mingqian,LI Zongxiang,LI Teng,et al. Experiments of mine fire in ascensional airflow and the mine
    fire control simulation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):785-792.
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