Study on parametric 3D modeling technology of mine roadway based on BIM and GIS
李 梅 康济童 刘 晖 李兆阳 刘 曦 朱 青 肖彬虎
LI Mei, KANG Jitong, LIU Hui, LI Zhaoyang, LIU Xi, ZHU Qing, XIAO Binhu
北京大学 遥感与地理信息系统研究所中煤能源研究院有限责任公司北京龙软科技股份有限公司中煤陕西榆林能源化工有限公司大海则煤矿
The 3D BIM modeling of roadway has the characteristics of complex data structure and large amount of detailed information, which is very different from the 3D model of GIS roadway in geometry and semantics, so it is difficult to carry out direct data integration. In order to make better use of the spatial analysis function of GIS and the refined modeling function of BIM, a roadway parameter modeling method was proposed to better utilize GIS spatial analysis and BIM modeling functions. Firstly, the roadway 3D data model and data structure considering the BIM level details and GIS spatial topology, including nodes, middle points, arcs, center-lines and triangular networks, were designed to connect the GIS topological network model and BIM Level of Detail model together, and to add attributes of geological, mine support design, ventilation, and evacuation of roadway. Secondly, a method for processing the topology relationship of 3D roadway network was proposed, and a standardized roadway centerline network data set was constructed through the spatial topology editing function of GIS. Finally, the parametric roadway modeling method was proposed, that is, reading the roadway centerline data set and parameters, constructing a basic roadway BIM model, and using Boolean operation technology to deal with complex conditions such as roadway chambers, turns and intersections. The model can fully display the details of the roadway shape and support, and also retains the GIS roadway network topology relationship, which improves the integratability of the data. Compared the Boolean algorithms with the wireframe algorithms, it is found that the Boolean method has better shapes on the intersection points of roadway with different section types. The research results have been applied in the Transparent Geological Model System of Dahaize Coal Mine, which supports multiple types of standardized 3D data formats such as udatasmith, obj, fbx and the other 3D data formats. The 3D model can not only provide 3D visualization, but also provide complete 3D data analysis services for emergency evacuation, roadway navigation, mine ventilation and geological assurance system.
roadway;BIM;GIS parametric modeling method;3D model;transparent geological model system
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会