• 全部
  • Title

    Study on prediction and characteristics of surface subsidence in mining when the bottom aquifer of thick loose layer directly covers thin bedrock

  • 作者

    彭世龙程 桦姚直书荣传新蔡海兵张亮亮

  • Author

    PENG Shilong,CHENG Hua,YAO Zhishu,RONG Chuanxin,CAI Haibing,ZHANG Liangliang

  • 单位

    安徽建筑大学 建筑结构与地下工程安徽省重点实验室安徽理工大学 土木建筑学院安徽省矿山生态修复工程实验室

  • Organization
    1.Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Building Structure and Underground Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University;2.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Anhui University of Science and Technology;3.Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory for Mine Eco⁃ logical Remediation
  • 摘要

    针对厚松散层底含直覆薄基岩条件下开采地表沉陷机理与特征问题采用开采沉陷理论、 土体固结理论和随机介质理论分析了厚松散层底含疏水固结过程中的水土耦合受力变形机制根 据叠加原理建立了厚松散层薄基岩煤层开采与底含疏降水共同作用下地表沉陷预计模型讨论了 该类条件开采地表沉陷特征及其主要影响因素。 研究表明:提出的厚松散层底含直覆薄基岩开采 沉陷预计模型考虑了煤层开采与厚松散层底含疏水固结沉降共同作用并得到工程验证;厚松散 层底含疏水固结沉降作用加大了地表沉陷盆地沉降量减缓了盆地边缘收敛速度大幅增加了地 表下沉和水平移动范围出现下沉系数大于 1且地表下沉 10 mm 边界点明显向采区外侧延伸现 象其地表沉陷曲线呈“ 中间小开口深盆地两侧大开口浅盆地” 复合型特征;采煤和底含疏降水共 同作用地表沉陷范围与底含疏降水引起的地表沉陷范围相近地表移动盆地边界角 δ 随厚松散层 厚度Hls增大而减小;最大水头下降Δh与地表最大下沉量呈正相关但对沉陷范围影响较小;底含 疏水影响半径 R主要影响地表沉陷范围;底含厚度 主要影响地表沉陷程度。 研究结果可为科 学留设类似条件工广立井井筒与建筑物保护煤柱以及开采沉陷区环境影响评价提供理论 依据

  • Abstract
    In view of the mechanism and characteristics of surface subsidence in mining with the bottom aquifer of thick loose layer directly covering thin bedrock,the water⁃soil coupling stress and deformation mechanism in the process of hydrophobic consolidation of the bottom aquifer of thick loose layer are analyzed by using mining subsid⁃ ence theory,soil consolidation theory and random medium theory. According to the superposition principle,the predic⁃ tion model of surface subsidence under the combined action of coal seam mining and bottom aquifer dewatering under the geological condition of thick loose layer and thin bedrock is established,and the characteristics and main in⁃ fluencing factors of surface subsidence under such conditions are discussed. The research shows that the proposed min⁃ ing subsidence prediction model with the bottom aquifer of thick loose layer directly covering thin bedrock considers the combined action of coal seam mining and the bottom aquifer hydrophobic consolidation settlement of thick loose bed,which has been verified by engineering application.The hydrophobic consolidation settlement of the bottom aquifer of the thick loose layer increases the settlement of the surface subsidence basin,slows down the conver⁃ gence speed at the edge of the basin,and greatly increases the surface subsidence and horizontal movement range.This results in the phenomenon that the subsidence coefficient is greater than 1 and the boundary point with a surface sub⁃ sidence of 10 mm obviously extends to the outside of the mining area,the surface subsidence curve shows the com⁃ pound characteristics of “small opening deep basin in the middle and large opening shallow basin on both sides”.The surface subsidence range under the combined actions of coal mining and dewatering of bottom aquifer is similar to that caused by dewatering of single bottom aquifer.The boundary angle δ of surface movement basin decreases with the increase of thick loose layer thickness Hls.The maximum waterhead drop value Δhm is positively correlated with the maximum surface subsidence,but has little effect on the subsidence range.The influence radius Rwof bottom aquifer drainage mainly affects the range of surface subsidence.The bottom aquifer thickness M mainly affects the de⁃ gree of surface subsidence. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for scientifically setting up the protec⁃ tion coal pillars for shaft and building (structure)at the industrial square under similar conditions,as well as the envi⁃ ronmental impact assessment of mining subsidence area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thick loose layer;thin bedrock;hydrophobic consolidation;surface subsidence;prediction model;subsid⁃ ence characteristics

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    PENG Shilong,CHENG Hua,YAO Zhishu,et al.Study on prediction and characteristics of surface subsidence in mining when the bottom aquifer of thick loose layer directly covers thin bedrock[J].Journal of China Coal So⁃ ciety,2022,47(12):4417-4430.
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