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基于 GIS 的工作面探煤数据管理方法研究与应用
  • Title

    Research and application of coal exploration data management method in working face based on GIS

  • 作者

    骆云秀毛善君张鹏鹏李 振马远平王艳彬滕 岩

  • Author

    LUO Yunxiu , MAO Shanjun , ZHANG Pengpeng , LI Zhen , MA Yuanping , WANG Yanbin , TENG Yan

  • 单位

    北京龙软科技股份有限公司北京大学 地球与空间科学学院

  • Organization
    Beijing LongRuan Technologies Co., Ltd.
    School of Earth and Space Science, Peking University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In order to improve the efficiency of dynamic calculation of coal reserves in the mining process of coal working face and enrich the dynamic updated data required in the construction of 3D geological model of working face in intelligent mining, a GIS based coal mining face data management method is proposed through the full analysis and in-depth research on the professional needs, business processes, technical routes and data structure of coal mining face data management. At the data level, the business process of coal exploration data management was optimized, the data structure and storage method of different types of coal exploration data were designed, the coal exploration data sharing and management of mining face based on spatial relational database were realized from using the spatial data organization and management mode. At the presentation level, the interactive management of coal exploration data and graphics was realized based on the domestic geographic information system platform, LongRuanGIS, independently developed from the bottom. At the business level, a drawing algorithm of coal exploration line was proposed to realize the rapid drawing of different coal exploration lines. The data structure, drawing style, drawing method and data management method of coal exploration point were designed to ensure the beautiful mapping of coal exploration data and efficient reuse of data; a method of dynamically updating the geological model of coal mining face by using the data of coal thickness detection was proposed, which enriches the dynamic updating data source of high-precision three-dimensional dynamic geological model of working face. The results of normalization application in many mines show that the management method of coal exploration data based on GIS realizes the unified management and sharing of different types of coal exploration data, realizes the rapid automatic mapping and dynamic updating of coal exploration data and improves the drawing efficiency of coal mine geologists. At the same time, the timely updating of coal exploration data provides convenient and effective data management measures for dynamic calculation of reserves and dynamic updating of high-precision 3D geological model, ensuring the efficient use of coal exploration data in many aspects.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal exploration data;GIS;data management;working face;geological model

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    骆云秀,毛善君,张鹏鹏,等. 基于GIS的工作面探煤数据管理方法研究与应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2022,50(12):254−261
  • Citation
    LUO Yunxiu,MAO Shanjun,ZHANG Pengpeng,et al. Research and application of coal exploration data management method in working face based on GIS[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(12):254−261
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