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  • Title

    Study progress on the synergistic catalytic removal of nitrogen oxides andvolatile organic compounds

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Aling;ZHANG Dengsong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    International Joint Laboratory of Catalytic Chemistry, College of Sciences, Shanghai University
  • 摘要
    将垃圾焚烧、钢铁冶炼等典型行业烟气处理中的 NH3-SCR 脱硝与 VOCs 净化模块耦合,发展多污染物协同控制理论和技术,协同催化净化 NOx与 VOCs,不仅具有重要的科学意义,还具有重大的生态环境和经济效益。 目前,NOx与 VOCs 协同催化净化技术已在环境催化领域引起广泛关注,已报道相关研究主要聚焦于协同催化剂性能的考察,但该项研究仍处于初步探索阶段,尚未获得满足实际应用需求的高效协同催化剂,且相关反应机制有待深入考察。 未来 NOx与 VOCs 协同净化催化剂技术的发展需解决 3 个关键难题:协同净化催化剂酸 / 氧化还原双核活性位的构建及调控、协同净化催化剂上酸 / 氧化还原双循环反应路径的理解、协同净化过程中催化剂的抗中毒能力提升。 解决这些关键科学问题的第一步仍是设计并制备高活性、高稳定性、抗中毒的协同净化催化剂;然后探究催化剂的化学组成、结构特点和理化性质,解析催化剂双核活性位的微化学环境;进一步利用原位测试手段、表面反应技术以及理论模拟计算,解析催化剂结构与性能的构效关系,阐释催化净化过程高效协同机制和催化剂抗中毒机制,最终形成 NOx与 VOCs 协同催化净化的关键技术。 该综述总结了现有 NOx与 VOCs 协同催化净化技术研究的进展,提出了该项技术面临的发展瓶颈,分析了研究中的关键科学难题,并对相应的解决策略进行了展望,以期为大气污染控制领域 NOx与 VOCs 等多污染物的协同净化提供参考。
  • Abstract
    Coupling NH3-SCR denitration and VOCs purification in flue gas treatment of typical indus⁃tries such as waste incineration and steel smelting, developing multi - pollutants synergistic controltheory and technology to collaboratively remove NOx and VOCs is of great importance. It possesses im⁃portant scientific significance, ecological and economic benefits. At present, the synergistic catalyticelimination of NOx and VOCs has attracted wide attentions, and relevant studies mainly focus on thecatalytic performance of synergistic catalysts. These current studies are still preliminary. Furtherresearch efforts are needed to develop more effective synergistic catalyst and investigate the interactionmechanism of SCR and VOCs oxidation. The construction and regulation of the acid / redox dual-coreactive site of the synergistic catalyst, the understanding of the mechanism of the acid / redox dual-cyclereaction pathway, and the improvement of anti-poisoning ability of the catalyst are three key issuesneeded to be considered in the following researches. The first step to solve these key scientific problemsis still to design and prepare catalysts with high activity, stability and anti-poisoning ability. The nextstep is to investigate the chemical composition and structural properties of the catalyst and illustrate themicrochemical environment of dual-core sites. Further, the efficient synergistic mechanism of the catalyticprocess and the anti-poisoning effect of catalyst are to be studied by in situ technology and theoretical cal⁃culation. This review summarizes the current research progress of NOx and VOCs synergic catalytic purifica⁃tion technology, proposes the technical bottleneck, analyzes the key scientific issues, and puts forward cor⁃responded strategic solutions, aiming to shed light on developing multi-pollutant removal in future.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Nitrogen oxides; Volatile organic compounds; Multi-pollutant control; Synergistic catalysis

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    移动扫码阅读陈阿玲, 张登松. 氮氧化物与挥发性有机物协同催化净化进展 [ J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37( 1):141-156.
  • Citation
    CHEN Aling, ZHANG Dengsong. Study progress on the synergistic catalytic removal of nitrogen oxides and volatileorganic compounds[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 141-156.
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