• 全部
  • Title

    Catalytic purification of nitrogen oxides for complex industrial flue gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Penglu;ZHANG Yuxin;YE Zhenli;ZHANG Dengsong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Innovation Institute of Carbon Neutrality, Shanghai University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Nitrogen oxides, as one of the main atmospheric pollutants, cause potential risks to humanhealth and the atmospheric environment. In recent years, nitrogen oxide emissions from power plantshave been reduced, and controlling nitrogen oxide pollution in non-electric industries and emergingpower generation sectors, such as waste incineration power generation and biomass combustion powergeneration, has become the focus of flue gas emission control from stationary sources. Currently, themost widely used and effective technology for nitrogen oxide purification is Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR) using ammonia. The complex working conditions of flue gas purification technology for non-electric industries and emerging power generation sectors often result in the presence of large amounts ofHO, acidic gases (SO, HCl), alkali/ alkali earth metals (Na, K, Ca), heavy metals (Pb, Cd,As), and phosphorus compounds in the flue gas. These components can lead to catalyst poisoning andsevere deactivation. To address the deactivation issues of nitrogen oxide purification catalysts duringpractical application, researchers have conducted extensive studies on improving SO tolerance, alkalimetal and alkali earth metal resistance, and resistance to multiple poisons under complex flue gas con⁃ditions. This paper reviews recent research on nitrogen oxide catalytic purification technology for fluegas under complex conditions and summarizes strategies to improve resistance to SO poisoning, alkalimetal poisoning, and multiple poisoning. This review provides guidance and strategies for the develop⁃ment of efficient, stable and anti-poisoning nitrogen oxide purification catalysts. At the same time, itoffers a theoretical foundation for promoting the practical application of nitrogen oxide purification cata⁃lysts in the complex flue gas purification from non-electric industries and emerging power generationsectors.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Nitrogen oxides;Selective catalytic reduction;Non-electric industries;Emerging powergeneration sectors;Complex operating conditions;Environmental catalysis

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WANG Penglu, ZHANG Yuxin, YE Zhenli, et al. Catalytic purification of nitrogen oxides for complex industrialflue gas[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(4): 1-16.
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