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  • Title

    Theoretical calculation model of top coal drawing body in horizontal sublevel top coal caving mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jinwang,CHENG Dongliang,WANG Jiachen,YANG Shengli

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院厚煤层绿色智能开采教育部工程研究中心放顶煤开采煤炭行业工程研究中心

  • Organization
    School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;Engineering Research Center of Green and Intelligent Mining for Thick Coal Seam,Ministry of Education;Coal Industry Engineering Research Center of Top-coal Caving Mining
  • 摘要

    水平分段综放开采是急倾斜特厚煤层的主要开采方法之一。 水平分段综放开采工作面相 对较短,导致顶底板边壁对放煤规律的影响较大。 基于 BBR 理论,采用 Bergmark-Roos (B-R)模 型分析了存在倾斜边壁影响时的顶煤运移规律及放出体形态变化机理;建立了水平分段综放开采 受顶底板侧边壁影响的放出体理论计算模型,推导了包含轴倾角参数的放出体边界方程;通过颗 粒流离散元数值分析得出了轴倾角参数与边界条件的定量关系,采用物理相似实验数据对理论模 型进行了验证,提出了不同煤层倾角范围内的合理分段高度及放煤方式优化建议。 研究结果表明倾斜边壁的存在使得散体顶煤受到更大的横向应力,从而改变了顶煤颗粒运移加速度的方向;近边 壁处放煤口两侧散体顶煤递补潜力的差异,导致其运移加速度的大小不同;顶煤加速度大小和方向 的改变导致放出体轴线方向偏离重力方向。 受倾斜边壁影响,放出体形态在轴线两侧呈现非对称 性,与近底板侧相比,近顶板侧放出体受边界影响的程度更大;放出体轴倾角 β 随着煤层倾角的增 大呈线性增大关系。 随着不放煤段长度的增大,近顶底板侧放出体的轴倾角均逐渐趋近于 90°。 物理模拟试验结果验证了理论模型的准确性;采用“ 底板单轮中部多轮” 、端头逆序放煤方式可有 效利用放出体形态特征,减少近顶底板侧残煤损失

  • Abstract
    Horizontal sublevel top coal caving mining is one of the main mining methods for steeply inclined and extra-thick coal seams. The working face of horizontal sublevel top coal caving mining is relatively short,which leads to a great influence of top and bottom side wall on the top coal drawing law. Based on the BBR theory,the Bergmark-Ro- os (B-R) model was used to analyze the drawing law of top coal and the variation mechanism of the drawing body shape under the influence of inclined side wall. The theoretical model of the drawing body boundary affected by the side wall of the roof and floor was established,and the theoretical equation including the axial dip parameter was derived. The quantitative relationships between the axial angle parameters and the boundary conditions were obtained by the Particle Flow Code numerical calculation,and the physical experiments were used to validate the theoreti- cal model. Some suggestions on reasonable sublevel height interval and the optimization of drawing technique with dif- ferent dip angles ranges were proposed. The results show that the existence of inclined side wall makes granular top coal subject to greater transverse stress,which changes the direction of the acceleration of top coal parti- cle movement. The difference of the filling potential of granular top coal on both sides of the drawing opening leads to the difference of the moving acceleration of top coal particles on both sides of the opening. The change of ac- celeration and direction of top coal causes the axis direction of the drawing body to deviate from the direction of gravi- ty. Under the influence of inclined side wall,the shape of the drawing body is asymmetrical on both sides of the axis, and the drawing body near the roof side is more affected by the boundary than that near the floor side. The β value of axial dip angle increases linearly with the increase of coal seam dip angle. With the increase of the length of non-drawing section,the axial angle of the drawing body near the roof and floor gradually tends to 90°. The physical simulation results validated the accuracy of the proposed theoretical model. The coal drawing method of “ single round near floor,multiple rounds in middle of face” and partially reverse drawing technique can effectively utilize the shape of the drawing body and reduce the loss of residual coal near the roof and floor.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    horizontal sublevel;top coal caving;drawing body;inclined boundary wall;theoretical model

  • 引用格式
    ZHANG Jinwang,CHENG Dongliang,WANG Jiachen,et al.Theoretical calculation model of top coal drawing body in horizontal sublevel top coal caving mining[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):576-592.
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  • 图表
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