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  • Title

    CO2-ECBM simulation study considering Klinkenberg factor state

  • 作者


  • Author

    SA Zhanyou;WU Jingbo;YANG Yongliang;ZHANG Xin;LU Shouqing;LIU Jie;WANG Hao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology
  • 摘要
    为了探究Klinkenberg效应及不同状态的Klinkenberg因子在注CO2提高煤层气采收率(CO2-Enhanced Coal Bed Methane,CO2-ECBM)过程中的作用,借助COMSOL有限元软件模拟分析了Klinkenberg因子为0、固定Klinkenberg因子与动态Klinkenberg因子3种状态对CO2-ECBM及有效渗透率的影响,以及CH4与CO2压力随该因子的动态变化情况,并将CH4产气量与工程实际作了对比验证。结果表明,CH4与CO2有效渗透率呈先缓慢增长再急速下降后逐渐趋于平缓的态势,相较于固定Klinkenberg因子或Klinkenberg因子为0,动态Klinkenberg因子影响下的CH4与CO2有效渗透率更大,当Klinkenberg因子为动态变量时,受不同气体的摩尔质量与动力黏度影响,CO2有效渗透率小于CH4有效渗透率。在动态Klinkenberg因子作用下,煤层中CH4压力下降和CO2压力上升均更快,当Klinkenberg因子为固定值或0时,会高估煤层内CH4压力,低估CH4抽采与CO2压注的影响范围,并且估值均随时间增长而增大。工程验证表明,考虑动态Klinkenberg因子作用下的CH4累积产气量更接近真实情况。研究成果有助于分析CH4与CO2有效渗透率变化趋势,预估CH4抽采与CO2压注的影响范围及CH4产气量,在探究煤层增渗,优化井网布置,定量评价煤田产气量等方面具有理论指导意义。
  • Abstract

    In order to explore the role of Klinkenberg effect and Klinkenberg factor in different states in the process of CO2-Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (CO2-ECBM), the effects of Klinkenberg factor of zero, fixed Klinkenberg factor and dynamic Klinkenberg factor on CO2-ECBM were simulated and analyzed by COMSOL finite element software. The dynamic changes of CH4 and CO2 pressure with this factor were studied, and the CH4 gas production was compared with the engineering practice. The results show that the effective permeability of CH4 and CO2 increases slowly at first, then decreases rapidly and gradually tends to be gentle. Compared with the fixed Klinkenberg factor or Klinkenberg factor of zero, the effective permeability of CH4 and CO2 under the influence of dynamic Klinkenberg factor is larger. When the Klinkenberg factor is a dynamic variable, the effective permeability of CO2 is less than that of CH4 due to the influence of molar mass and dynamic viscosity of different gases. The CH4 pressure in the coal seam decreases faster and the CO2 pressure rises faster. When the Klinkenberg factor is fixed or zero, the CH4 pressure in the coal seam will be overestimated, and the influence range of CH4 extraction and CO2 pressure injection will be underestimated, and the valuation will increase with time. The research results are helpful to analyze the variation trend of effective permeability of CH4 and CO2, estimate the influence range of CH4 extraction and CO2 injection and the gas production of CH4, and have theoretical guiding significance in exploring coal seam permeability, optimizing well pattern layout and quantitatively evaluating gas production of coalfield.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Klinkenberg effect;Klinkenberg factor;CO2-ECBM ;permeability;gas pressure;CO2 storage

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    SA Zhanyou,WU Jingbo,YANG Yongliang,et al. CO2-ECBM simulation study considering Klinkenberg factor state[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(3):37−45
  • 相关文章
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  • 图表
    • CO2-ECBM物理模型

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