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  • Title

    Research progresses of noble metal(Pt, Pd, and Ru)-based catalysts forcatalytic decomposition of chlorine-containing volatile organic compounds

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Qin;XU Han;ZHAO Yaruo;TIAN Mingjiao;HE Chi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering,Xi′an Jiaotong University
  • 摘要
    含氯挥发性有机物(Chlorine-containing volatile organic compounds,CVOCs)由于存在来源广泛、生物/ 环境毒性高、易使催化剂 Cl 中毒失活等问题,是当前 VOCs 控制领域的研究重点和难点。 催化降解技术具有能耗低、效率高、二次副产物少等显著优点被认为是最有效的 CVOCs 排放控制技术之一。 高性能催化剂是该技术的核心。 目前,CVOCs 降解催化剂主要以 Al2O3、TiO2、MgO、CeO2等单一或复合金属氧化物为载体,以 Pt、Pd、Ru 等为反应活性中心。 在 CVOCs 氧化反应中,贵金属在低温下易与 Cl 作用,覆盖/ 惰化活性位,导致催化剂低温活性下降。 常用的提升负载型贵金属催化剂 CVOCs 催化性能的策略有金属助剂掺杂、活性中心状态优化、载体性质调控、反应条件调节等。 本文综述了贵金属(Pt、Pd 和 Ru) 基催化剂在 CVOCs 催化氧化中的研究进展,主要集中于过渡金属引入、载体本征性质调变、反应条件调节等在 CVOCs 转化效率及催化剂性能改善中的作用。 此外,对 CVOCs 催化净化催化剂的发展方向提出了展望。
  • Abstract
    Chlorine-containing volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) have become a focus and diffi⁃culty in the field of catalytic combustion of VOCs due to their extensive sources, high biological/ envi⁃ronmental toxicity, and easy inactivation of catalyst via Cl poisoning. Catalytic decomposition is consid⁃ered to be one of the most effective and feasible methods to reduce the emissions of CVOCs due to itssignificant advantages of low energy consumption, high efficiency and less secondary by-products.Highperformance catalysts are the key to this technology. At present, the CVOCs degradation catalysts aremainly composed of single or complex metal oxide supports (e.g., Al2O3, TiO2, MgO, and CeO2)andnoble metal (e.g., Pt, Pd, and Ru) reactivity center. In the oxidation reaction of CVOCs, the noblemetal is easy to interact with Cl at low temperature, covering / inerting the active site, and resulting in adecrease in the low-temperature activity of the catalyst. Commonly strategy to improve the catalytic per⁃formance of supported precious metal catalysts include metal additive doping, active center state optimi⁃zation, carrier property regulation, reaction condition adjustment, etc. In this review, we briefly reviewthe research progress of noble metal (Pt, Pd, and Ru) -based catalysts in the catalytic oxidation ofCVOCs, including doping transition metals, changing the intrinsic properties of supports, and adjustingreaction conditions to improve catalytic efficiency and performance. In addition to this, the future per⁃spectives toward the development of CVOC purification catalysts are put forward.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Noble metal - based catalysts; Catalytic decomposition; CVOCs; Support property;Synergy effect

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 Pt基催化剂
    1.1 金属间协同作用
    1.2 载体的影响与作用
    1.3 其他因素
    2 Pd基催化剂
    3 Ru基催化剂
    3.1 金属间协同作用
    3.2 载体的影响与作用
    3.3 其他因素
    4 总结与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨沁, 徐晗, 赵亚若, 等. 贵金属(Pt、Pd 和 Ru)基催化剂在含氯挥发性有机物催化降解中的研究进展[J].
  • Citation
    能源环境保护, 2023, 37(3): 75-87.YANG Qin, XU Han, ZHAO Yaruo, et al. Research progresses of noble metal(Pt, Pd, and Ru)-based catalystsfor catalytic decomposition of chlorine-containing volatile organic compounds[J]. Energy Environmental Protec⁃tion, 2023, 37(3): 75-87.
  • 相关专题

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