• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on catalytic oxidation technologies of gaseouselemental mercury in flue gases

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Guoliang;YE Kaihang;GENG Mengda;ZHENG Yang;YUE Tao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要

    本文综述了近年来单质汞(Hg0)催化氧化技术的研究进展,重点介绍了钒基催化剂、贵金属催化剂、过渡金属氧化物催化剂三类 Hg0氧化催化剂的研究现状。 钒基催化剂汞氧化效率与烟气中 HCl 和 Cl2浓度密切相关;以 Au、Ag、Pt、Ru、Pd 等元素作为核心活性位点的贵金属催化剂由于其对汞原子的选择性强亲和力,是具有应用前景的 Hg0氧化催化剂;过渡金属氧化物(Cu、Mn、Fe、Mo、Ag、Pd、Cr 等)表现出较好的中低温 Hg0氧化催化剂能力。 大多数催化剂在一定温度下均具有很高的 Hg0氧化效率,但烟气中的 NH3和 SO2严重抑制了催化剂活性,分别从 94.7%±3.9%和 83.9%±4.8%降至 66.8%±16.8%和 57.1%±7.5%。 在复杂的烟气条件下,单一氧化位点的金属氧化物不适合作为 Hg0氧化催化剂,采用多组分金属氧化物耦合建立多活性反应区域,有效分析烟气中的 SO2、NO、NH3和 Hg0吸附反应区域,是设计构建 NO、Hg0等多污染物协同控制催化剂的关键。 本文同时讨论了高效 Hg0氧化催化剂未来面临的挑战。

  • Abstract

    Mercury catalytic oxidation technologies in recent studies are summarized in this study tohighlight the present research development and future perspective of catalysts. The mercury oxidationcatalysts are classified into V-based catalyst, noble metal catalyst and transition metal oxides catalyst.The mercury oxidation efficiency (MOE) of V-based catalyst strongly depends on HCl and Cl2 concen⁃trations in the flue gas. The noble metal catalyst (e.g., Au, Ag, Pt, Ru and Pd-based) is a promisingmercury oxidation catalyst because of its strong affinity toward mercury atom. The transition metal oxides(Cu, Mn, Fe, Mo, Ag, Pd, Cr, etc.) has also been used to develop low and middle temperature cat⁃alysts for Hg0 oxidation. Most of these catalysts have very high mercury oxidation efficiencies at acertain temperature, but NH3 and SO2 in the flue gas seriously suppress the catalyst activity from 94.7%±3.9% and 83.9%±4.8% to 66.8%±16.8% and 57.1%±7.5%, respectively. It is concluded that puremetal oxides serving as single oxidation site would not be suitable mercury oxidation catalysts in thecomplex flue gas environment. The multicomponent metallic oxide catalysts generate more species oxi⁃dation reaction sites for NO reduction and Hg0, which promotes the possibility of NO and Hg0 synergicremoval. This work also proposes the future challenge of highly efficient Hg0 oxidation catalyst.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Catalysts; Mercury oxidation; Noble metal; Transition metal

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引 言
    1 烟气汞催化氧化技术
    1.1 钒基催化剂对Hg0的氧化研究
    1.2 贵金属氧化物对Hg0的氧化研究
    1.3 过渡金属氧化物对Hg0的氧化研究
    2 烟气组分相互影响机理
    2.1 常规污染物影响
    2.2 非常规污染物影响
    3 结论与展望

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李国良, 叶凯航, 耿孟达, 等. 烟气单质汞催化氧化技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(3):163-174.
  • Citation
    LI Guoliang, YE Kaihang, GENG Mengda, et al. Research progress on catalytic oxidation technologies of gaseouselemental mercury in flue gases[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 163-174.
  • 相关专题

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