Research and application of fire air and smoke flow emergency control technology for mine complex ventilation network
PEI Xiaodong;HAO Haiqing;WANG Kai;JIANG Shuguang;SUN Yong;CHEN Jiahui;WU Zhengyan;JIANG Heguo;SHAO Hao
中煤科工集团沈阳研究院有限公司 煤矿安全技术国家重点实验室煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 安全工程学院彝良驰宏矿业有限公司
In view of the difficult situation of fire prevention, control, disaster resistance and relief in complex ventilation networks, the laws of air flow disturbance, heat transfer and smoke flow diffusion in air flow field, temperature field and smoke flow concentration field are analyzed. According to the evolution law of smoke flow at different fire source locations, an emergency linkage regulation scheme of fire air and smoke flow that can simultaneously meet the requirements of smoke exhaust air volume and stope air volume is proposed. Taking Zhuanlongwan Coal Mine as an application case, the fire smoke emergency linkage control system of Zhuanlongwan Coal Mine was established. In order to analyze the effect of air control and smoke exhaust, combined with the actual tunnel and ventilation parameters, a three-dimensional visualization model of its complex ventilation network was built based on VENTSIM software. The VentFire module is used to simulate the wind and smoke spreading effect of the fire scene in different fire source locations. The smoke exhaust effect and air volume distribution before and after the emergency control scheme is adopted are analyzed. The results show that when a fire occurs in different locations, the emergency smoke exhaust scheme should be started in time. On the basis of meeting the smoke exhaust air volume, the air volume of other key locations can still ensure more than 90% of the normal ventilation period, which can meet the disaster control and relief needs during the disaster of Zhuanlongwan Coal Mine.
mine fire;fire smoke flow;wind control and smoke exhaust;emergency regulation;Ventism simulation;complex ventilation network
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会