Research on energy dissipation characteristics and coal burst tendency of fissured coal mass
ZHU Zhijie;LI Ruiqi;TANG Guoshui;HAN Jun;WANG Laigui;WU Yunlong
辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院煤炭科学研究总院 煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室滁州职业技术学院 组织人事处
冲击倾向性是煤岩体能否发生冲击地压的自然属性,裂隙的分布对其有重要影响。为研究煤体原始裂隙对能量耗散特征和冲击倾向性的影响机制,采用PFC2D数值模拟方法,对不同裂隙类型的煤体试件进行了单轴压缩测试。研究表明:①随着裂隙倾角的增大,宏观力学参数抗压强度和弹性模量均表现为先减小后增大的趋势;当裂隙倾角为 30°时,两者都取得最小值。不同裂隙类型宏观力学参数大小关系为:非共面平行双裂隙试件<单裂隙试件<共面断续双裂隙试件。②弹性应变能和总应变能的变化规律与宏观力学参数相似。平行非共面的裂隙试件在裂隙之间形成了能量耗散结构,共面断续双裂隙试件裂隙之间形成了能量集中区,揭示了不同裂隙类型弹性能量大小关系的内在原因。③从煤岩体储存弹性能的能力和破坏后释放弹性能的能力2个角度对冲击倾向性进行分析,提出了弹性能储存率和弹性能释放率2个冲击倾向性指标。④随着裂隙倾角的增大,弹性能储存率和弹性能释放率均表现为先减小后增大的趋势;当裂隙倾角为 30°时,两冲击倾向性指标都取得最小值。不同裂隙类型冲击倾向性大小关系为:非共面平行双裂隙试件<单裂隙试件<共面断续双裂隙试件。裂隙的分布形态对煤体的冲击倾向性具有显著影响,在煤岩体的冲击倾向性评价和冲击地压防治中应考虑裂隙这一因素。
Coal burst tendency is the natural property of whether coal rock mass can have coal burst, and the distribution of fissures has an important influence on it. In order to study the influence mechanism of the original coal fissures on the energy dissipation characteristics and coal burst tendency, the PFC2D numerical simulation method was used to conduct uniaxial compression tests on coal specimens with different fracture types. The results show that: ①With the increase of the inclination angle of the fissure, the compressive strength and elastic modulus of the macroscopic mechanical parameters show a trend of decreasing first and then increasing; when the inclination angle of the fissure is 30, both of them reach the minimum value. The relationship between the macro-mechanical parameters of different fracture types is: non-coplanar parallel double-fissure specimen < single-fissure specimen < co-planar discontinuous double-fissure specimen.②The variation law of elastic strain energy and total strain energy is similar to that of macroscopic mechanical parameters. The parallel and non-coplanar fracture specimens form an energy dissipation structure between the fissures, and the coplanar discontinuous double-fissure specimen forms an energy concentration area between the fissures, revealing the intrinsic reason for the relationship between the elastic energy of different fracture types. ③The coal burst tendency is analyzed from the two perspectives of the ability of coal and rock to store elastic energy and the ability to release elastic energy after failure, and two coal burst tendency indicators, elastic energy storage rate and elastic energy release rate, are proposed. ④With the increase of the fissure inclination angle, both the elastic energy storage rate and the elastic energy release rate showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing; when the fissure inclination angle was 30, the two coal burst propensity indexes both achieved the minimum value. The relationship between the coal burst tendency of different fracture types is: non-coplanar parallel double-fissure specimen < single-fissure specimen < co-planar discontinuous double-fissure specimen. The distribution of fissures has a significant coal burst on the coal burst tendency of coal mass, and the factor of fissures should be considered in the evaluation of the coal burst tendency of coal and rock mass and the prevention and control of rock burst.
coal burst tendency;fractured coal body;rock burst;particle flow simulation;uniaxial compression
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会