Shear slide block theory and its control strategy for coal wall in deep roadways
WANG Fangtian;QU Hongfei;ZHANG Yang
School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology
Shunhe Coal Mine, Yongcheng Coal and Electricity GroupCo.,Ltd.
Aiming at the problem of shear failure induced by the continuous large deformation of surrounding rockin the roadway of deep coal mine, a theoretical mechanical model of shear slide block in the surrounding rockof deep coal roadway was established,the safety factor of shear slide block was deduced,and the failure mechanism ofshear slide block was revealed. The mathematical model of the safety factor of shear slide block was derived by thelimit equilibrium analysis method. It was concluded that under the condition of the inherent mechanical propertiesof the coal body,the cohesive force has the greatest influence on the shear slider safety coefficient of the coal bodyof the roadway gang with a positive linear relationship. In external conditions,the safety factor decreases exponentiallywith the increase of roadway height. Based on the shear slider theory model,taking the deep coal roadway in theChengjiao coal mine as the research background, the UDEC software was used to analyze the influence ofroadway height, cohesive force, joint and fracture, and support mode on shear slide block motion. The resultsshow that:① The conjugate shear surface appears after mining on both sides of roadway,forming shear slide block mo⁃tion. The higher the roadway height,the smaller the cohesion,and the more unstable the roadway. ② For joints devel⁃opment roadway,the damage of the hanging wall is larger than that of the footwall. The larger the dip angle,the grea⁃ter the bulge of the roadway side. When the joint dip angle is 65°,the displacement of the shear sliding block in theside reaches 0.78 m. The middle and lower part of the crack is open,and it is easy to shear the bolt when using thebolt support,resulting in the bolt failure. ③ After the side cable is used,the crack opening is effectively restrainedand the anchoring effect of the bolt is played normally. Compared with the support with ordinary anchor cable andwithout support,the protrusion of the side wall with cracks is only 0.14 m,which is reduced by 83.1% and 75.4% re⁃spectively. It is proved that adding cable anchor cable has a better control effect on the wall rock of the side wall. Inview of the field situation and combined with the shear slider model,a collaborative control strategy of “crack preven⁃tion⁃clearance reduction⁃slip prevention” was proposed. i. e. the surface layer and shallow part are supported byusing high strength pre⁃stressed anchor rod,anchor cable and metal net component reinforcement to prevent the crackof surrounding rock,the deep part is supported by using wall rock modification technology to reduce cracks,and the lo⁃cal serious instability part is supported by side cable to suppress shear sliding block movement. In the fractured sur⁃rounding rock of coal roadway,it forms a composite bearing structure,which effectively control the deep coal roadwaysurrounding rock deformation. The research results provide beneficial reference for the stability control of surroundingrock of deep coal roadway.
deep mine;deformation of surrounding rock;shear slider;crack prevention⁃gap reduction⁃skid stop;coordi⁃nated control
王方田,屈鸿飞,张洋. 深井煤巷帮部围岩剪切滑块理论及防控策略[J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):47-60.
WANG Fangtian,QU Hongfei, ZHANG Yang. Shear slide block theory and its control strategy for coal wallin deep roadways[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):47-60