Shear sliding block movement mechanism and cooperative control technology for coal pillar in soft and thick coal seam
WANG Fangtian;QU Hongfei;ZHANG Yang;LIU Chao;HAO Wenhua;JIANG Zhenpeng
中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院永城煤电集团股份有限公司 顺和煤矿煤炭科学研究总院
松软厚煤层区段煤柱高、煤壁暴露面积大,加之煤质松软、裂隙发育,强采动作用下极易造成煤柱失稳,巷道维护难度极大。以山西伏岩煤业3号煤层开采为工程背景,基于剪切滑块理论,探究采掘扰动下煤柱变形破坏机理,求解煤柱剪切滑块运动范围及应力分布规律,揭示煤柱侧帮剪切滑块运动机理,提出煤柱稳定性协同控制对策并在现场进行工程实践验证。结果表明:① 采用极限平衡理论与叠加理论,确定了煤柱剪切滑块运动范围及煤柱垂直应力分布规律,阐明煤柱剪切滑块安全系数分布规律:0~1.26 m深度,煤柱上部安全系数较小;在1.26~3.95 m处,煤柱中线部分大面积安全系数较小,易受顶板来压破坏。② 提出了1种以“注浆加固—锚索强化—切顶卸压”为主体的区段煤柱协同控制技术,煤柱侧裂隙较无支护条件及原支护条件分别减少62.89%和46.26%,巷道围岩完整性大幅提高,形成了强承载结构,有效控制了煤柱变形及底臌。③ 根据松软厚煤层区段煤柱条件,合理确定了协同控制设计参数,并对煤柱防控效果进行试验监测评估。现场试验结果表明,煤柱裂隙得到充分填充,注浆后煤体强度提高63%以上;巷道位移、锚杆索受力、离层等均在可控范围,表明协同控制技术明显提高了煤柱承载力,回采巷道围岩变形得到有效控制,为工作面安全高效开采提供了空间保障。
Coal pillars in soft and thick coal seam are often tall and have large exposed coal walls, and the coal quality is soft with some developed cracks, which can easily cause an instability of coal pillars and make roadway maintenance difficult. This paper takes the No. 3 coal seam in the Fuyan Coal as the engineering background, based on the shear sliding block theory, explores the mechanism of coal pillar deformation and failure under mining influence, analyzes the width of the coal pillar’s limit equilibrium zone and stress distribution rules, and reveals the movement mechanism of the coal pillar’s shear sliding block. Based on this, the cooperative control strategies for coal pillar stability are proposed and verified through engineering practice. The results show that: ① by using the limit equilibrium theory and the superposition theory, the range of shear sliding block movement of the coal pillar and the vertical stress distribution law of the coal pillar are determined, and the distribution law of the safety factor of the coal pillar shear sliding block is clarified. The safety factor of the upper part of the coal pillar is small at a depth of 0−1.26 m. In the area of 1.26−3.95 m, the central part of the coal pillar has a large area of small safety factor and is vulnerable to damage from the roof. ② A cooperative control technology for coal pillar is proposed, which is based on “reinforcement anchor cable-grouting reinforcement-advance cutting roof”, and it effectively controls the deformation and bottom bulging of the coal pillar. The side cracks of the coal pillar without supporting conditions and those with original supporting conditions are reduced by 62.89% and 46.26%, respectively. The integrity of the surrounding rock of the roadway is greatly improved, forming a strong bearing structure. ③ According to the conditions of coal pillar in the thick and soft coal seam section, the design parameters of coordinated control are reasonably determined, and the prevention and control effect of coal pillar is evaluated by test monitoring. The field test results show that the cracks in coal pillar are fully filled, and the strength of coal body is increased by more than 63% after grouting. The roadway displacement, anchor cable stress, and separation layer are all within the controllable range, indicating that the cooperative control technology significantly improves the bearing capacity of the coal pillar, and effectively controls the deformation of the surrounding rock of the mine roadway, providing space guarantee for safe and efficient mining.
soft coal seam;coal pillar;shear sliding block;cooperative control;surrounding rock stability
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会