• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on the production of multi-carbon products from CO2by integrating electrochemical and microbial conversion

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Tianyu;HE Xiaoman;ZHANG Feiran;XIE Jiale;LIU Limin;LIN Richen;;XIAO Rui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University
    Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion and Control of Ministry of Education
    Jiangsu Engineering Consulting Center Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    二氧化碳还原制备高附加值化学品及燃料是实现零碳排放的重要技术手段,但如何高效、可持续地将二氧化碳转化为更高值的长链分子仍是巨大挑战。 相较于传统热化学等技术手段,电催化还原可以在更温和条件下实现产物的高选择性,并且可与生物转化技术耦合,将短碳链分子转化为具有更高附加值的长碳链产物。 本文系统综述了二氧化碳电还原过程中电极、催化剂、离子交换膜和电解质四个方面的研究现状,并探讨了影响其性能的关键因素。 通过调整铜基催化剂的电子结构、表面结构和配位环境,可以有效强化碳-碳偶联反应,从而可显著提高安培级别的电流密度下 C2+产物的法拉第效率。 随后介绍了电还原二氧化碳耦合生物发酵延长碳链方面的研究进展,主要从原位耦合和异位耦合两个角度阐释了该耦合技术的优势与挑战。
  • Abstract
    Production of high value-added chemicals and fuels from carbon dioxide (CO2) is an im⁃portant technology to achieve zero carbon emissions. However, how to efficiently and sustainablyconvert carbon dioxide into higher value long-chain molecules is still a challenge. Compared with tradi⁃tional thermochemical techniques, electrocatalytic reduction can achieve high product selectivity undermilder conditions, and can also be coupled with bioconversion techniques to convert short carbon chainmolecules into long carbon chain products with higher added value. This paper reviews the state of theart of key factors affecting electrocatalytic CO2 reduction performance, including electrodes, catalysts,ion exchange membranes and electrolytes. By adjusting the electronic structure, surface structure andcoordination environment of the copper-based catalysts, the carbon-carbon coupling reaction can beeffectively strengthened, and the Faraday efficiency of C2+ products can be significantly improved atampere-level current density. Furthermore, the research progress on the coupling of CO2 electroreduc⁃tion with microbial conversion to extend the carbon chain is reviewed, which mainly illustrates the ad⁃vantages and challenges of this coupling technology from the perspectives of in situ and ex situ couplingmodes.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Carbon dioxide; Electroreduction; Microbial conversion; High value chemicals

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张天宇, 何晓满, 章斐然, 等. 二氧化碳电催化耦合生化转化制备多碳产物研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(5): 159-173.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Tianyu, HE Xiaoman, ZHANG Feiran, et al. Research progress on the production of multi-carbon prod⁃ucts from CO2 by integrating electrochemical and microbial conversion [ J]. Energy Environmental Protection,2023, 37(5): 159-173.
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