• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress of fine particulate matter and ozone pollution underthe background of "dual carbon" target

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIAN Yuecheng;PENG Nana;GAO Yanshan;;WANG Qiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Source Control Technology, School of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University
    Beijing Engineering ResearchCentre for Polluted Water Source Control and Ecological Remediation Technology, School of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University
  • 摘要
    随着全球气候变化问题的日益严重,我国做出了“双碳”目标的承诺。 目前,我国尚未从根本上解决 PM2.5污染问题,与此同时,O3污染逐渐加剧,各地 PM2.5和 O3复合污染事件频发。 因此,持续改善 PM2.5和 O3污染问题对保护人民健康和实现碳中和目标方面具有重要意义。 为了更好地理解和应对 PM2.5污染问题,本文概述了 NOx和 NH3排放以及二次有机气溶胶对 PM2.5污染的影响;同时,总结了当前排放源(氮氧化物、挥发性有机物) 和气象要素(温度、相对湿度、紫外辐射强度、风速和边界层高度等)对 O3污染影响的研究,为改善我国 O3污染以及制定减排策略提供方法和理论支撑。 此外,综述了我国在 PM2.5和 O3复合污染区域研究、化学影响机制以及协同减排等方向的研究进展,旨在为我国空气质量改善以及“双碳”背景下 PM2.5和 O3复合污染的协同治理提供相关参考和指导。
  • Abstract
    As the global climate change problem is becoming more and more serious, China has madethe commitment to the " dual-carbon" target. At present, our country has not fundamentally solved theissue of PM2.5 pollution. Meanwhile, O3 pollution is gradually worsening, and incidents of combinedPM2.5 and O3 occur frequently. Therefore, the sustained improvement of PM2.5 and O3 pollution is ofgreat significance to protect people's health and achieve carbon neutrality goals. To better understandand address PM2.5 pollution, this paper provides an overview of the effects of NOx and NH3 emissions,as well as secondary organic aerosols on PM2.5 pollution. Additionally, it summarizes current researchon the influence of emission sources (nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds) and meteorologicalfactors (temperature, relative humidity, UV radiation intensity, wind speed, boundary layer height,etc.) on O3 pollution in China, which provides methodological and theoretical support for improving O3pollution and developing reduction strategies in our country. Furthermore, this paper summarizes the re⁃search progress on the regional delineation, chemical mechanism and influencing factors of PM2.5 andO3 combined pollution in China, aiming to provide relevant references and guidance for China's followup action plan to improve air quality, protect the environment, and realize the synergistic managementof PM2.5 and O3 combined pollution under the " dual-carbon" policy.
  • 关键词

    大气治理PM2.5和 O3污染影响因素协同治理

  • KeyWords

    Air pollution control; PM2.5 and O3 pollution; Influencing factors; Synergistic management

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    细颗粒物和臭氧污染协同防控“一市一策”驻点跟踪项目(DQGG202126); 国家自然科学基金项目(52270099)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    菅月诚, 彭娜娜, 高艳珊, 等. “双碳”背景下细颗粒物和臭氧污染研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5): 190-200.
  • Citation
    JIAN Yuecheng, PENG Nana, GAO Yanshan, et al. Research progress of fine particulate matter and ozone pollu⁃tion under the background of " dual carbon" target[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 190-200.
  • 相关专题

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