• 论文
  • Title

    Situation,challenges,and proposed strategies for green mine construction in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Qiang;LIU Honglei;ZENG Yifan;LIU Xiaojuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Inner Mongolia Research Institute,China University of Mining and Technology⁃Beijing
    National Coal Mine Water Hazard Preven⁃tion Engineering Technology Research Center,China University of Mining and Technology⁃Beijing
    Chinese Academy of Natural Re⁃sources Economics
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Green mine construction is a crucial measure to drive the upgrading and transformation of the mining indus⁃try towards high⁃quality development.It is a scientific solution to the sharp contradictions and conflicts between the en⁃gineering activities for development and utilization implemented by humanity for survival and development,and the protection of ecological environment⁃a key“golden key”.The paper reviews the development process of green min⁃ing construction in China,elucidating achievements in pilot demonstrations,policy regulations,construction standards,evaluation systems,and exemplary zones for the development of green mining.Simultaneously,the analysis addresses issues and challenges encountered during the process of green mining construction,including deviations in conceptual understanding,insufficient driving force for creation,the need to elevate the level of green mining construction,and the uneven development of green mining construction in different regions.To promote the scientific and healthy develop⁃ment of green mining in China,the focus is placed on five strategies.These include strengthening the systematic think⁃ing of green mining construction,refining the evaluation indicator system for green mining construction,enhancing in⁃centive constraints and unlocking policy potential,improving the legal and normative system for green mining construc⁃tion,and enhancing the dynamic management mechanism of the green mining directory.Furthermore,proposals involve establishing a third⁃party evaluation and regulatory mechanism or a green mining certification system,leveraging the le⁃gal constraints and standardization guidance role of green mining construction,and utilizing market⁃oriented approa⁃ches to encourage the“development⁃oriented”construction market for green mining.Finally,in response to the re⁃quirements of high⁃quality development in the new era of mining,the paper looks forward from three perspectives.First,it emphasizes consolidating the primary responsibility of mining enterprises in green mining construction to en⁃hance their proactive engagement.Second,it advocates for enhancing the government’s leading role and service aware⁃ness to create a government service and environmental atmosphere.Lastly,it underscores the role of enterprises as in⁃novation entities to activate innovation vitality within the business sector,shaping the future path of green mining con⁃struction and the development pattern of green mining industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    green mine construction;mining industry upgrading and transformation;green mining industry;evaluation indicator system

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WU Qiang,LIU Honglei,ZENG Yifan,et al.Situation,challenges,and proposed strategies for green mine con⁃struction in China[J].Journal of Green Mine,2023,1(1):25-32.

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