Study on the influence of process parameters of stamping coking blended coal onthe mechanical strength of coke
WANG Fei;DUAN Fubin;ZHANG Yunpeng
Jianlong Xilin Iron and Steel Corporation Ltd.
China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
By exploring the relationship between the process parameters of Jianlong Xilin Steel stamping coking blen⁃ded coal and the mechanical strength of coke, the stamping coking process conditions can be optimized. While ensu⁃ring the stable thermal strength of coke, the optimal process parameters for improving the metallurgical coke yield canbe determined and guidance can be provided for improving the coal blending process conditions. Based on the re⁃search scheme design of the coal quality characteristic parameters and their proportions of the blended coal used in theexperiment, as well as the coking test conditions and methods, the influence of the process parameters such as blen⁃ded coal moisture, fineness, and bulk density on the coke mechanical strength ( lump coke rate, lump cokestrength, and microstrength) was studied. According to research, it can be concluded that with the increase of mois⁃ture content, the block coke strength and microstrength of Jianlong Xilin Steel’ s blended coal remain basically un⁃changed, while the block coke first increases and then decreases. When the moisture content is 13%, its block cokeratio reaches its maximum; as the fineness increases, the block coke strength and microstrength first increase andthen decrease, while the coke block coke ratio shows a decreasing trend. When the fineness is greater than 90%, theblock coke ratio decreases significantly. As the bulk density of the blended coal increases, the block coke strengthand microstrength increase, and the block coke ratio increases significantly. In order to improve coke mechanicalstrength, on the premise of maintaining the same proportion of blended coal and considering the trend of changes incoke mechanical strength indicators, it is more suitable to control the moisture content of blended coal at about 13%,fineness at about 90%, and coal bulk density at about 1. 0 t/ m3.
mechanical strength of coke; coking blended coal; process parameters; block coke ratio; block cokestrength; micro strength; bulk density; bonding ability
王飞, 段福彬, 张昀朋. 捣固炼焦配合煤工艺参数对焦炭冷强度的影响研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38(6): 51-56.
WANG Fei, DUAN Fubin, ZHANG Yunpeng. Study on the influence of process parameters of stamping cokingblended coal on the mechanical strength of coke [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (6): 51-56.