Prediction of gas emission in mining face based on random forest regression algorithm
ZHANG Zenghui; MA Wenwei
Baode Coal Mine, CHN Energy Shendong Coal Group Co., Ltd.
CCTEG ShengyangResearch Insititute
State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety Technology
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
The mining face is the main place for gas emission in mines. Accurately predicting the amount ofgas emission from the mining face and proposing targeted prevention and control measures are of greatsignificance for ensuring mine safety production. A prediction method for gas emission in mining face based onrandom forest regression algorithm has been proposed. Using the measured gas emission data from the workingface as the original sample, the Bootstrap sampling method is used for random sampling. The out-of-bag (OOB)data assessment score oob_score is used as an evaluation indicator for the random forest regression model tuningparameter and importance of feature variables. The optimal parameters of the model and the percentage ofimportance of feature variables are calculated. The method ranks the importance proportion of each featurevariable and conducts performance analysis of the random forest regression model according to the ranking. The results show that as the number of feature variables increases, the model performance does not show a regularchange. When the number of feature variables is small, there may be overfitting. The test results show that theaverage absolute error and relative error between the predicted and measured values of the created random forestregression model decrease with the increase of the number of feature variables. The increase of the number offeature variables can improve the predictive performance of the model to a certain extent. Compared with theprincipal component regression analysis method, the random forest regression model reduces the average relativeerror by 14.29% for the same set of data, resulting in better prediction performance. The principle is simpler,parameter adjustment is easier, and the calculation speed is faster. The results can provide strong theoreticalsupport for predicting gas emission in mining face.
mining face;gas emission prediction;random forest regression;out of bag data assessmentscore;importance of feature variables;number of feature variables
张增辉,马文伟. 基于随机森林回归算法的回采工作面瓦斯涌出量预测[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(12):33-39.
ZHANG Zenghui, MA Wenwei. Prediction of gas emission in mining face based on random forest regression algorithm[J]. Journalof Mine Automation,2023,49(12):33-39.