• 全部
Macro/meso failure behavior of surrounding rock in deep roadway and its control technology
  • 作者

    Jianping ZuoJintao WangYunqian Jiang

  • 单位

    School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and TechnologyState Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology

  • 摘要

    Engineering disasters occur frequently and violently with the increase in mining depth, which is mostly due to insufficient study on the failure mechanism of the deep rock mass. In this paper, theoretical and experimental researches on the failure behaviors and deformation control of deep surrounding rock in recent years were reviewed. Macro/meso failure mechanism of deep rock or coal–rock combined body under different loading conditions have been systematically investigated. Stress gradient failure theory of surrounding rock, uniform strength support in the deep roadway, and the analogous hyperbola movement model of overlying strata were preliminary established and a combined grouting control technology for surface and underground was proposed. Abovementioned achievements are expected to offer theoretical bases and technical supports for the exploitation of China’s deep mineral resources in the future.

  • 关键词

    Failure mechanicsDeep miningControl of surrounding rockFailure mechanism

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    Zuo, J., Wang, J. & Jiang, Y. Macro/meso failure behavior of surrounding rock in deep roadway and its control technology.Int J Coal Sci Technol 6, 301–319 (2019).
  • 图表
    • The brittle–ductile transition of rock under different confining pressures

    图(27) / 表(0)


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