• 全部
  • Title

    Nouns, Verbs, and Their Internal Relations in the Concept ofEquipment

  • 作者


  • Author

    Jia Yushu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Center for Engineering Studies, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    There is a development trend in modern Western philosophy, that the focus of most philosophers have been shifting fromnoun to verb. The traditional concept of equipment is summarized from various sensory and concrete equipment entities, such asplows, rakes, knives, and guns, and that interprets verbs from the perspective of nouns. In fact, it understands equipment entities asnatural entities, does not involve the issue of equipment origin. That can smoothly explain procurement, assembly, use, andsubsequent equipment activities, but it cannot scientifically explain equipment research and development activities such as originalcreativity and design. This equipment concept not only does not conform to the logic of equipment, but also does not conform to thehistorical facts of equipment development. Because the creation of equipment has logical priority, and it forms the premise andfoundation for the application of equipment. Generally speaking, all sensory and concrete thing arises and disappears in motion. Inthis sense, the reason why equipment becomes equipment is determined by the actions or behaviors of equipment corresponding withthe same verb “equip”. Following this approach, it can be proven that, both the equipment subject and the equipment object areproducts of equipment activities. It is worth noting that, the equipment subjects and equipment objects, created by equipmentactivities, would be undergo new equipment activities, and then will create new equipment subjects and equipment objects, and in theprocess which would be promoting the professional development of society step by step. Equipment theorists, especially those inChina, should liberate their minds, break free from the misconceptions of traditional equipment concepts, consciously start theirworkfrom the equipment philosophy centered on verbs, and rationally reconstruct existing equipment theories. Starting from verb “equip”,the key is to understand and grasp the concept of possible equipment. Before equipping physical equipment, people need to first equippossible equipment in their minds. Therefore, people should learn to conceive possible equipment on the possible world thinkingplatform, and theoretically incorporate it into the logical object category of verb “equip”, that the action has universality, so as tointegrate equipment construction and equipment deconstruction, which are two completely different types of equipment activities, onthe virtual thought platform of the possible world. The former is grow out of nothing, or creating something out of nothing, which is agreat invention and creation, the latter goes from having to not having, which is pure consumption. Equipment science needs a unifiedtheory. Developing equipment theory with the verb “equip” as the core, that is not only a major trend in the development of modernphilosophy, but also an inherent requirement for the improvement and development of equipment theory. At the same time, it alsoconstitutes the logical premise and ideological foundation for equipment development to move from imitation to originality indeveloping countries including China tomorrow. It can serve as a basic principle of equipment science and a top-level rule forequipment development strategy that conceives possible equipment in a possible world firstly.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    equipment; equipment activity; equipment subject; equipment object; equipment philosophy; possible world

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    贾玉树. 装备概念中的名词、动词及其内在关联[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2024, 16(1): 3-11.
  • Citation
    Jia Y S. Nouns, verbs, and their internal relations in the concept of equipment[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2024, 16(1): 3-11.
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