Coal procurement strategy for coastal power plants based on system dynamics model
LI Yifan;Wang Ying;Zhang Min;Wang Yao ;Zhang Jian ;Yuan Jiahai
School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University
Planning and Development Department,China Huaneng Group
Coal-fired power generation plays a pivotal role in China’s electricity supply today, and its unparalleled contribution to powersupply security cannot be overstated. The reliable and sufficient supply of coal is a prerequisite for coal-fired power plants to fulfill theirrole, while the procurement cost of coal has a decisive impact on the economic performance of coal-fired power plants. Imported coal is animportant fuel source for coastal power plants, as it offers a cost advantage that enhances the profitability of these plants. However, thevolatile international situation in recent years has caused significant fluctuations in energy prices, and geopolitical conflicts have heightenedthe risks of international trade. This complex environment has made coal procurement for coastal power plants extremely challenging. Toformulate effective coal procurement strategies, this study has constructed a system dynamics model that takes into account variousuncertainties related to coal procurement. This model was then simulated in combination with the current coal procurement practices ofcoastal power plants in China. The simulations focused on analyzing the impact of various factors, including policies, seasons, and low-carbon considerations, on the proportion of imported coal and the total cost of coal procurement. The results of the simulations indicate thatformulating targeted coal procurement strategies in response to complex external factors can effectively reduce the total cost of coalprocurement and mitigate fuel supply risks. In light of current international circumstances and the trend towards low - carbon powergeneration, increasing the import of Australian coal, adjusting the import volume based on seasonal considerations, optimizing the importmix, and gradually reducing the proportion of imported coal are all viable strategies for coastal power plants’ coal procurement.
coastal power plants; coal procurement; system dynamics model; cost control; seasonal factors