Theory and method of suitable evaluation for mine environmental positive effects development and utilization
WU Qiang;ZHANG Shoucheng;LIU Honglei;ZENG Yifan
中国矿业大学(北京) 国家煤矿水害防治工程技术研究中心中国矿业大学(北京)内蒙古研究院矿山水防治与资源化利用国家矿山安全监察局重点实验室
改革开放以来,矿产资源开发为国家经济发展做出巨大贡献,由于多数矿产资源具有不可再生性,相当数量的矿山面临着资源枯竭、关闭。如何开发利用这些矿山所留下的矿山环境正效应资源将成为延长矿业产业链、保障能源绿色低碳发展、实现 “碳达峰、碳中和”战略目标的重要支撑。为了科学开发矿山适宜的环境正效应资源,以矿山环境正效应开发利用中的“资源、能源、科普文娱、生态碳汇”4类目标为研究对象,基于矿山供给本体特征、特定市场需求及开发利用条件的“供给(Supply)−需求(Demand)−开发(Development)”(SDD)约束组合,创建了包含6类一级约束、38个相应属性二级约束的矿山环境正效应开发利用评价约束体系;根据开发利用目标导向的原则,依据目标特征组建了18项实施项目单目标评价指标集;构建了单目标适宜性评价模型,引入三角模糊数确定指标权重,并依据适宜性指数划定了“适宜、较适宜、较困难、困难”四类适宜性分级标准。此外,鉴于矿山环境正效应开发利用系统复杂性,剖析了各开发利用目标的逻辑关系,提出了基于经济、生态、社会效益综合最优理念的矿山环境正效应开发利用多目标线性评价理论,通过理想点法或单目标线性规划求解,获取矿山环境正效应开发利用多目标效益综合最优解或最适宜集。最后,从国家战略、社会需求、流域生态、正效应市场开发等角度,展望了矿山环境正效应开发利用及其系统评价落地的重要意义。
Since the economic reform and opening up, the exploitation of mineral resources has made significant contributions to the economic development of China. However, due to the non-renewable nature of most mineral resources, a considerable number of mines are facing resource depletion and closure. How to develop and utilize the positive environmental effects left by these mines will become a crucial support for extending the mining industry value chain, ensuring green and low-carbon energy development, and achieving China’s strategic goals of “carbon peak” and “carbon neutrality”. To scientifically develop environmentally positive resources in mines, this study focused on four categories of goals in the development and utilization of positive environmental effects in mines: resources, energy, popular science and entertainment, and ecological carbon sinks. Based on the “Supply - Demand - Development” (SDD) constraint combination of mining supply ontology characteristics, specific market demands, and development and utilization conditions, a comprehensive evaluation constraint system was developed, consisting of 6 first-level constraints and 38 second-level constraints of corresponding attributes. Following the principles of goal-oriented development and utilization, a single-goal evaluation index set with 18 implementation items was constructed. Also, a single-goal suitability evaluation model was built which introduced the triangular fuzzy numbers to determine the index weights, and classified suitability into “suitable, more suitable, more difficult and difficult” based on suitability indices. Furthermore, considering the systematic complexity of the positive effects development and utilization of the mine environment, the logical relationships between the development and utilization objectives were analyzed. In addition, a multi-goal linear evaluation theory was proposed based on the comprehensive optimal concept of economic, ecological and social benefits. By solving through the ideal point method or single-goal linear programming solution, the comprehensive optimal solution or the most suitable set for the positive effects development and utilization of the mine environment was obtained. Finally, from the perspectives of national strategy, social needs, watershed ecology, and positive effect market development, the study provides some insights into the significant implications of the implementation and systematic evaluation of mine environmental positive effects development and utilization.
mine environment;positive environmental effects;evaluation index system;triangular fuzzy numbers;multi-goal evaluation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会