• 全部
  • Title

    Influencing patterns of multiple factors on the heat transfer performance of moderately deep geothermal wells

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAN Yongliang;WANG Kaipeng;WANG Yijie;GOU Li;YANG Yanbin;LEI Yanzi;WU Fangli;SHEN Hao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd.
    CCTEG Xi’an Geothermal Energy Development Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    积极推进中深层地热能供暖技术,是践行国家碳达峰碳中和“双碳”目标的重要举措。中深层同轴套管式换热系统可避免对地下水资源和环境造成损害,且影响要素之间存在着复杂的非线性相互作用。基于中深层同轴套管式换热器的理论分析和数学描述,建立地热井分层换热模型,并验证其可靠性;以陕西关中盆地某中深层地热井为依托,采用数值模拟方法对各项因素影响下的地热井换热性能及连续运行过程的取热能力进行系统分析。结果表明:采用均质模型、分层模型计算地热井出水温度与实测值最大相对误差分别为14.08%、11.50%,平均误差分别为7.29%、6.93%,分层模型较均质模型具有较高的计算精度;影响因素中地热井深度、地温梯度及地层导热系数对取热功率影响最为显著,在一定程度上取热功率与地温梯度、进水温度、内管导热系数基本呈线性关系,且固井材料导热系数对传热过程具有热阻效应;中深层地热井取热量随运行年限的增加而降低,前5个供暖季取热量降幅较大,之后取热量降幅减缓,经过50个供暖季,年平均取热功率下降15.59%,将地温下降值超过1℃视为地温场受到影响,地温场平均受影响半径约为65 m,此外,由于地层的差异性,地热井周围地层温度下降及恢复等值线在地层交界面处出现了“阶梯式”变化,岩石导热系数较大的地层在地层交界面附近造成的温度扰动距离更远。研究成果可应用于中深层地热井取热换热能力的评估,同时为中深层同轴套管式换热系统的设计提供借鉴。
  • Abstract
    Vigorously promoting the technology for heating using moderately deep geothermal energy serves as an important measure for China’s pursuit of carbon neutrality and peak carbon dioxide emissions. A coaxial double-pipe heat transfer system for moderately deep geothermal wells can avoid damage to groundwater resources and the environment. Furthermore, the influencing factors of the wells exhibit complicated and nonlinear interactions. Based on the theoretical analysis and mathematical description of a moderately deep well with a coaxial double-pipe heat exchanger, this study established a layered heat transfer model for the geothermal well and verified its reliability. This study investigated a moderately deep geothermal well in the Guanzhong Basin in Shaanxi Province. Through numerical simulations, it systematically analyzed the heat transfer performance of the geothermal well, as well as its heat extraction capacity during continuous operation, under the influence of various factors. The results show that compared to the measured values, the outlet water temperatures calculated using the homogeneous and layered models exhibited maximum relative errors of 14.08% and 11.50%, respectively, and average errors of 7.29% and 6.93%, respectively. Therefore, the layered model enjoyed a higher calculation accuracy than the homogeneous model. Among all influencing factors, geothermal well depth, geothermal gradient, and the thermal conductivity of strata exerted the most significant influence on the heat extraction power of the geothermal well. There existed roughly linear relationships of the heat extraction power with the geothermal gradient, inlet water temperature, and the thermal conductivity of the inner tube. Moreover, the thermal conductivity of well cementing materials produced thermal resistance effects on the heat transfer process. The heat amount extracted from the moderately deep geothermal well decreased with the operating years, with the decreasing amplitude being high in the first five heating seasons and then decreasing. After 50 heating seasons, the annual average heat extraction power decreased by 15.59%. Assuming that a geothermal field is influenced if the geotemperature decreases by more than 1℃, the average influence radius of the geothermal field was about 65 m. In addition, due to the differences in strata, the contour lines illustrating the drop and recovery of formation temperature around the geothermal well exhibited stepped changes at the interface of the strata. Strata with higher thermal conductivity of rocks corresponded to a greater distance of temperature disturbance near the interfaces of strata. The results of this study can be applied to the evaluation of the heat extraction and transfer capacities of moderately deep geothermal wells and also serve as a reference for the design of coaxial double-pipe heat transfer systems for moderately deep geothermal wells.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    geothermal energy development;coaxial double-pipe heat exchanger;layered heat transfer model;heat transfer performance;influencing factor analysis;influence radius

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    韩永亮,王凯鹏,王义杰,等. 中深层地热井换热特性多因素影响规律研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2024,52(1):104−116.
  • Citation
    HAN Yongliang,WANG Kaipeng,WANG Yijie,et al. Influencing patterns of multiple factors on the heat transfer performance of moderately deep geothermal wells[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2024,52(1):104−116.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 中深层地热分层物理模型

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