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  • Title

    Research on dust settlement under mixed air flow control in fully mechanized excavation face

  • 作者


  • Author

    GONG Xiaoyan;WANG Tianshu;CHEN Long;PEI Xiaoze;LI Xiangbin;ZHU Qianli;NIU Huming

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 机械工程学院陕西陕北矿业有限责任公司

  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Shanbei Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    煤矿掘进过程中粉尘聚集严重,目前针对综掘工作面混合式风流调控下粉尘沉降规律及优化的研究还不够深入。基于混合式风流调控系统,依托陕煤集团神木柠条塔矿业有限公司综掘工作面,分析了压风口距工作面距离、压风口右偏角度、压风口口径、抽风口距工作面距离和压抽比等混合式风流调控参数对粉尘沉降规律的影响:随着压风口距工作面距离增加,司机处和回风侧行人呼吸带截面大颗粒粉尘占比先增后减再增,小颗粒粉尘占比增加;随着压风口右偏角度增加,司机处和回风侧行人呼吸带截面大颗粒粉尘占比变化明显;随着压风口口径增加,司机处截面小颗粒粉尘占比先增后减再增,回风侧行人呼吸带截面大颗粒粉尘占比先增后减;随着抽风口距工作面距离增加,司机处截面大颗粒粉尘占比先增后减,小颗粒粉尘占比先增后减再增,回风侧行人呼吸带截面粉尘粒径分布变化不大;随着压抽比增大,司机处和回风侧行人呼吸带截面小颗粒粉尘占比减小。以上述风流调控各参数为自变量,回风侧行人呼吸带全尘平均浓度和司机处呼尘平均浓度最低为优化目标,建立了粉尘沉降优化回归模型,利用粒子群优化算法求解模型,得到最优风流调控方案:压风口距工作面距离为8.9 m,压风口右偏角度为14.8°,压风口口径为0.9 m,抽风口距工作面距离为4.3 m,压抽比为1.1。搭建了风流调控下粉尘沉降实验平台,实验结果表明:测试值与粉尘沉降优化回归模型的模拟值误差在13%以内,验证了模型的准确性;优化后粒径为71~100 μm的粉尘受风流调控参数影响明显,沉降在掘进机前方;优化后回风侧行人呼吸带全尘平均浓度和司机处呼尘平均浓度分别降低了47.4%和42.4%,降尘效果明显。
  • Abstract
    Dust accumulation is severe during coal mine excavation. Currently, research on the dust settlement law and optimization under mixed air flow control in fully mechanized excavation faces is not in-depth enough. Based on a hybrid air flow control system and relying on the fully mechanized excavation face of Shaanxi Coal Group Shenmu Ningtiaota Mining Co., Ltd., the influence of mixed air flow control parameters such as the distance from the pressure air outlet to the working face, the right angle of the pressure air outlet, the pressure air outlet diameter, the distance from the extraction air outlet to the working face, and the pressure extraction ratio on the dust settlement law is analyzed. As the distance between the pressure air outlet and the working face increases, the proportion of large particle dust in the cross-section of the personnel breathing zone on the return air sides and the driver's location first increases, then decreases, and then increases again. The proportion of small particle dust increases. As the right deviation angle of the air inlet increases, the proportion of large particle dust in the personnel breathing zone section on the return air sides and the driver's location changes significantly. As the diameter of the air inlet increases, the proportion of small particle dust in the driver's location section first increases, then decreases, and then increases again. The proportion of large particle dust in the personnel breathing zone section on the return air side first increases and then decreases. As the distance between the extraction air outlet and the working face increases, the proportion of large particle dust at the driver's location section first increases and then decreases. The proportion of small particle dust first increases and then decreases and then increases again. The particle size distribution of dust at the personnel breathing zone section on the return air side does not change much. As the pressure-pumping ratio increases, the proportion of small particle dust in the cross-section of the personnel breathing zone on return air sides and the driver's location decreases. Taking the above air flow control parameters as independent variables, the average concentration of total dust in the personnel breathing zone on the return air side and the average concentration of exhaled dust at the driver's location are the optimization objectives. A dust settlement optimization regression model is established, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the model. The optimal air flow control scheme is obtained. The distance between the pressure air outlet and the working face is 8.9 meters, the right angle of the compressed air outlet is 14.8°, the diameter of the compressed air outlet is 0.9 meters, the distance between the extraction air outlet and the working face is 4.3 meters, and the pressure-pumping ratio is 1.1. The experimental platform for dust settlement under wind flow control is built. The experimental results show that the error between the test values and the simulated values of the dust settlement optimization regression model is within 13%, which verifies the accuracy of the model. The optimized dust with particle sizes of 71-100 μm is significantly affected by the wind flow regulation parameters and settles in front of the roadheader. After optimization, the average dust concentration of total dust in the personnel breathing zone on the return air side and the average dust concentration at the driver's location decrease by 47.4% and 42.4%, respectively, indicating a significant dust reduction effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully mechanized excavation face;mixed ventilation;air flow control;dust settlement;dust concentration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    龚晓燕,王天舒,陈龙,等. 综掘工作面混合式风流调控下的粉尘沉降研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(2):106-115.
  • Citation
    GONG Xiaoyan, WANG Tianshu, CHEN Long, et al. Research on dust settlement under mixed air flow control in fully mechanized excavation face[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(2):106-115.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 混合式风流调控系统布局

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