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  • Title

    Dynamic mechanical characteristics and engineering application of high elongation anchor cable

  • 作者


  • Author

    FU Yukai;WU Yongzheng;ZHOU Penghe;SUN Zhuoyue;LI Junchen

  • 单位

    中煤科工开采研究院有限公司天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院煤炭智能开采与岩层控制全国重点实验室

  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute
    Coal Mining and Designing Department, Tiandi Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
    Coal Mining and Designing Branch, China Coal Research Institute
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Coal Mining and Strata Control
  • 摘要

    传统锚索延伸率低、抗冲击能力差,在强冲击载荷作用下易出现脆性破断失效,导致巷道出现冒顶、冲击地压事故等问题。基于此,自主开发了具有高强度、高延伸率及高抗冲击等特性的锚索,采用实验室试验、理论分析及现场试验等综合手段,分析了高延伸率锚索的静、动载力学性能,研究了高延伸率锚索化学成分、金相组织和夹杂物与普通锚索的差异,提出了高延伸率锚索支护吸能原理,并将高延伸率锚索在现场进行了应用。研究结果表明:静载作用下,高延伸率锚索抗拉强度为1 790 MPa,最大力总延伸率8.1%,是普通锚索的1.61~2.25倍;动载作用下,高延伸率锚索钢丝不易散开,破断载荷与普通锚索基本相同,断后伸长率分别是锚索A、B、C的1.82倍、1.68倍和1.52倍,单位长度吸能量分别是锚索A、B、C的2.54倍、1.99倍和1.70倍,高延伸率锚索塑性变形能力更强,吸能能力更高。高延伸率锚索通过在冶炼和轧制工艺过程中控制有害化学元素和有益化学元素含量、细化金相组织及减少夹杂物尺寸和数量等方式提高了钢丝的塑性变形能力,进而提高锚索整体的抗冲击性能。高延伸率锚索在现场应用过程中经受了多次大能量冲击后,巷道支护效果良好,高延伸率锚索未出现破断,有效控制了巷道冲击破坏。

  • Abstract

    The traditional anchor cable has low elongation, poor impact resistance, and is prone to brittle fracture failure under strong impact load, leading to roof fall, rock burst accidents and other problems in the roadway. Based on this, the anchor cable with high strength, high elongation and high impact resistance was independently developed. The static and dynamic mechanical properties of the anchor cable with high elongation were analyzed by laboratory tests, theoretical analysis and field tests. The differences between high elongation anchor cable and ordinary anchor cable in chemical composition, metallographic structure and inclusion are also studied. Finally, the energy absorption principle of high elongation anchor cable support is proposed, and the high elongation anchor cable is applied in the field. The results show that: Under static load, the tensile strength of high elongation anchor cable is 1790 MPa, the total elongation of maximum force is 8.1%, which is 1.61−2.25 times of that of ordinary anchor cable. Under dynamic load, the steel wire of high elongation anchor cable is not easy to disperse, and the breaking load is basically the same as that of ordinary anchor cable. The elongation after breaking is 1.82 times, 1.68 times and 1.52 times of that of anchor cable A, B and C, respectively. The energy absorption per unit length is 2.54 times, 1.99 times and 1.70 times of that of anchor cable A, B and C, respectively. The high elongation anchor cable has stronger plastic deformation capacity and higher energy absorption capacity. The high elongation anchor cable improves the plastic deformation ability of the steel wire by controlling the content of harmful and beneficial chemical elements, refining the metallographic structure and reducing the size and quantity of inclusions in the smelting and rolling process, thereby improving the overall impact resistance of the anchor cable. After the high elongation anchor cable has withstood many large energy shocks in the field application process, the roadway support effect is good, and the high elongation anchor cable has not broken, effectively controlling the roadway impact damage.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock burst;deep roadway;bolt support;drop hammer;high elongation anchor cable

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    付玉凯,吴拥政,周鹏赫,等. 高延伸率锚索动态力学特性及工程应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(2):49−62.
  • Citation
    FU Yukai,WU Yongzheng,ZHOU Penghe,et al. Dynamic mechanical characteristics and engineering application of high elongation anchor cable[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(2):49−62.
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