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  • Title

    Application Study on Pre-stressed Full Length Bolting Powerful Support System

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  • 摘要
    为解决复杂困难巷道条件下传统锚杆支护体系存在的问题,从理论上分析了不同锚固方式对巷道支护的影响,得出了全长预应力锚固具有端部锚固和全长锚固的优点,能够在较长的锚杆杆体上施加预应力,增加了对围岩离层及错动的敏感度。采用数值模拟计算方法分析了不同锚固方式对锚杆支护附加应力场的影响,得出提高全长预应力锚固锚杆扩散效果的有效途径是先施加预应力而锚固剂后固化。在潞安矿区进行井下工业性试验,对全长预应力锚固状态下锚杆受力分布及变化进行了监测,锚杆锚索受力基本稳定,锚杆最大受力122 kN,锚索最大受力387 kN。矿压监测数据表明:全长预应力锚固强力支护系统优于传统支护,能有效控制围岩变形,支护效果良好。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the problems existed in the conventional bolt support system under the complicated and dfficult mine roadway, the different bolting met hods affected to the mine roadway support were analyzed theoretically.The advantages of the full length pre-stressed bolting with the end bolting and full bolting were 0 btained.The pre-stressed full length bolt could have a pre-tightened torque on the long length bolt bar and the sensitivity to the surrounding rock separation and displac ement would be increased.The numerical simulation calculation method was applied to analyze the different bolting mode affected to the additional stress filed of the bo It support.The effective access to improve the expansion results of the pre-stressed full length anchored bolt was first to have a pre-stress and then to have the anchori ng agent for consolidation.An industrial trial was conducted in the underground mine of LuDan Mining Area.The bolt stressed distribution and variation monitored and m easured under the pre-stressed full length anchoring status.The bolt and anchor was stressed in stable basically. The max stressed force of the bolt was 122 kN and the max stressed force of the anchor was 387 kN.The mine pressure monitoring and measuring data showed that the pre-stressed bolting powerful support system would b e better than the conventional support and could effectively control the deformation of the surrounding rock with a good support effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    bolt support;full length bolting;powerful support;full length pre-stressed;

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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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